Chapter 13: From helping others.

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Lessons I learnt from helping others 

Always,  always try your best to try and help others in whatever way you can even if you think there's no way they'd be of any help you in return because I truly believed and I have also experienced how the universe finds its own way to bring you back those people to help you. And, you know what? 

There's a different kind of satisfaction you get when you help others having no greed or selfishness in your heart. When you expect nothing from them in return. Knowing that you are doing something for someone and to some it means everything honestly.  

Like suppose if you get a flat tire in the middle of your journey and if some strange person helps you in fixing it. Won't you be grateful to that person? Of course you'd be! Now think of it the other way what would make you get down from your car and help someone when you know you might not even meet this person again by the course of time. Your generosity and humbleness right? EXACTLY!  

You are a human! You should behave like a human. Because we live in a world where people clap the ones who are "savage"  in other words rude. But there's so less amount of kindness found on earth. And to tell you, I'm emphasizing on this point. Try and help someone, just try.  and look at the happiness in that person's eyes when you are done. Those eyes would depict everything a simple 'Thank you'  won't be able to suffice. Because that's how kindness reaches the heart of a human like it does to you when someone helps you out of their kindness. 

What can be a more easier way of making your day better by making other's day in return? Honestly I haven't learnt any other way of making myself happy. It's so rare that you find people congratulating other's for their achievement. It's so rare that a girl gets a compliment from a girl itself. Why? Why is kindness so rare? and the worst part is kindness is often mistaken as flirting.

Oh please! Keep that mindset aside and look for the good. Trust me on this,  if you look the world around you and seek good, the world would definitely look good to you. I repeat. Definitely. 

 And by now you have known me very well that I don't say things in this book without having experiencing or experimenting. So, take it from me and my personal experience that, if you want to seek internal happiness,  you can do that by helping others, being kind to others. Be it of any kind, small or big. It's a help to someone just do it. 

If you have the power to do good, never step back! 

Because as Karma in other words, whatever you do has a way of coming back to you. So, why not make it good? WHY NOT? Isn't it? 

Now let me narrate to you my experience.  

Once someone I barely know...I mean...I know her only through my classes at University. We are not very close or anything but, we live in the same area. 

So, what happened fine day, she messages me outta nowhere asking for help and that help was to take her along with me on my way back to my house as we live in the same area so that wasn't a problem at all. And I immediately said yes and I dropped her back home. 

After almost a year, my car broke down and I had to find someone to drop me back home within an instant this girl came to my mind and I asked her and she immediately agreed.

I didn't even think I'd get her help in return but somehow the universe proved it. And one more time while I did something to someone I can't remember well and she was so happy and she was like, "Thank you so much!" with such a glint in her eyes that in turn made my own day. 

You know when you help people it's not just about them or you. It's something else. It's a permanent satisfaction and contentment that settles in your heart and by the way let me include this as well that,  when you'd die and leave this planet earth, nobody will talk about how tall or how beautiful your face and how stylish clothes you wore. But they will only talk about the imprints your kindness has left on their heart. When they will talk about you, they will only have only good things to talk about you. So, tell me is there anything better than that? Is there anything better than being remembered for the goodness you have done? Of course not!
So be a little kind than you have to!

Until next time.

Take care.


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