Piercing Blue Eyes

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"UGHHHHHHHHH" I groaned coming to the realization that I had a meeting in about 1 hour.

I slowly rolled out of bed and got on a long black dress with some heels. I did my hair and then walked out the door of my apartment to get a taxi.

I waved my hand until one pulled over and I hopped in the front seat.

"The Crystal Palace hotel please." I told the driver before staring out the window dreading the next four hours of my night. Not that there was much to look at, because I hadn't met my 'True Love' yet I still saw everything in black and white. My parents insisted that one day I would see in color like the two of them had but at this point I was doubtful.

When the Taxi pulled up to the giant hotel I took a deep breath and walked in being careful not to trip.

I followed the signs to my meeting and finally arrived in the giant ballroom filled with people dressed in suits and dresses.

Immediately my boss found me and led me over to a crowd of business men. There didnt seem to be very many women in the room and the ones that did cone were clinging on to their husbands. I focused my attention on the group in front of me as my boss introduced me.

"Emma this is some of the workers from Star publishing co. We are working on a big project with them."

I smiled and introduced myself.

"I'm Emma Swan, pleased to meet you all."

The men all introduced themselves and at that moment my vision went blurry for a few moments and I suddenly could see in full color. The gold walls, the red tablecloth, the different color dresses and ties all around the room, everything. I focused my eyes on the manmen in front of me. Which one was my supposed 'true love'. One of them had dark shaggy hair and green eyes, I think he said his name was Neal. Another had blonde hair and blue eyes. Then the last one had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes that made my heart flutter. Could it be him?

I forgot about the business side of the meeting and rushed out of the room trying to clear my head.

What if it is one of them? What am I supposed to do? Ask him!?!

I got outside and was blown away by the sight in front of me. Everything was socolorful. This would take some getting used to. Suddenly I wasnt alone. The blue eyed man from the meeting had apparently followed me.

"Lass, are you alright? You seem distressed. By the way, my names Killian Jones. I didnt get the chance to introduce myself." He smiled and stuck his hand out.

I shook it and gave him a small smile back.

"I'm fine, I just. Was overwhelmed with something. I'm alright now though. Nice to meet you Killian."

Call me crazy but when I shook his head I felt something deep inside I'm not sure what but I intended to find out.

"I can certainly understand that." Killian chuckled.

I wondered if he had felt the same thing I had.

"Well I'm feeling better now if you'd like to return to the meeting." I told him.

He smiled. God he was handsome.

"As much as I wish I could stay out here I fear they might notice our absence if we dont return soon."

I laughed for the first time in a while.

"Unfortunately yes." And with that I walked back into the room with Killian who was seeming very, well amazing.

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