The Wedding

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Six months later

Today was the day.

Today I was getting married to the love of my life.

We were having a simple wedding at the beach with only about 50 guest attending.

I jumped out of bed and went over to the dresser to find a note from Killian.

Good morning Love,

I'll keep this short.....I love you, and today I get to how to spend the rest of my life with you and nothing could make you happier.

I can't wait to see you. I'll be waiting at the end of the isle.



I smiled and tucked the note away into a drawer.

Killian was staying in a hotel room on the other floor and was going through great lengths to not see me until the wedding.

I heard a knock on the door and went to see who it was.

Mary Margret was standing on the other side of the door with a huge smile. I opened the door and she hugged me.

"Happy wedding day Emma!!!"

I laughed.

"Thanks Mary Margret."

"Now there's no time to chit chat, we have to get you ready!"

I wasn't given a chance to respond as Mary dragged me into the living room where she set up a chair surrounded with ALOT of makeup.

She forced me into the chair and pulled my hair back.

"Let's start with makeup." She said and quickly got to work.

Our wedding was at 4:30 and it was currently 10.

Mary went on and on about how amazing her wedding was and how I would always remember this day while applying all of my makeup.

I didn't need her to tell me....I knew that I would always remember this day because it was marking Killian and I's future.

Once she finished my makeup she handed me a mirror. I loved it. Everything was fairly neutral except for the bright red lipstick and the black eyeliner that had a slight cat eye.

Then she started on my hair which we decided to just add extra curls to and braid back peices so it looked like a slight crown.

After my hair I insisted I would do Mary's makeup and hair before getting changed.

I gave her a similar look to mine except for the lipstick, instead I gave her a pink lipstick that went with her dress.

We didn't have to do much to her hair besides straightening a few pieces.

After we both had our makeup and hair done we went to get changed.

I slipped into my wedding dress and had her zip it up in the back.

The dress was very simple and fell straight down except for the train in the back that started a little above my knees. The only accessory I had was a small diamond studded belt that went around my waist.

I slipped on my heels and went into the living room.

Mary brought her hands to her mouth.

"Oh my god. Emma you look amazing."

"Thank you Mary, so do you." Mary had on a dress with a pink top with sleeves and a black bottom.

I looked at the clock 4:05.

I grabbed my bouquet and we started to head to the beach. It took us ten minutes to get out of the hotel because at every turn Mary made sure Killian wasn't there.

Once we got to the beach I stopped at the edge so I was hidden by view and Mary went to find her seat.

The music started and I took a deep breath before walking to the isle.

As soon as I was in view Killians gaze caught mine and he smiled from ear to ear.

Everyone in the crowd vanished and all I could see was him.

I smiled and held back a tear.

When I got down the isle I stepped onto the small stage and took his hands.

"You look stunning Swan." He whispered.

I blushed and thanked him quietly as the priest began speaking.

"Today we are gathered here to celebrate the union of Killian Jones and Emma Swan. I understand you prepared your own vows?"

We both nodded.

"Alright Killian, please begin."

"Emma. When I first met you I knew there was something special about you. You were a beautiful, confident, strong, and independent women who wasn't afraid to tell anyone what you thought. You literally lit up my world. We have been through so much over the last year or so but how we did it was the best part. We did it together. And for the rest of my life I don't ever want to do anything without you again. You are my future Emma Swan, and I vow to make you feel loved for the rest of your life. I love you Emma."

I smiled at Killian and held back a tear as the priest motioned towards me to begin.

"Killian, you are the love of my life. At first I was afraid to let you in. Afraid to open myself up to you. But you waited patiently for me and when we first kissed I knew that nothing would ever be the same. I knew that without a doubt I was meant to spend my life with you. I promise I will be by your side for the rest of your life and I will support whatever you do."

The first handed us the rings and I delicately placed his ring on his finger as he did the same to me.

"Killian Jones, do you take Emma Swan to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

He squeezed my hand.

"I do."

"And Emma, do you take Killian to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I nodded, "I do."

"I now declare you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride."

Killian didn't hesitate and brought me in for a passionate kiss as he spun me around and dipped me.

He pulled me up and I giggled as we walked down the isle hand in hand.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this! Im going to try to update once or twice a week from now on! Next chapter will probably be the reception.

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