Neighbors and Nightmares

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One week later...

My ribs had slowly healed since we had escaped. Killian and I were leaving the hospital today which was a giant relief. I couldn't spend one more minute in this hospital.

I heard a knock on my door as I was changing into my regular clothes with slight difficulty.

"Just a minute!" I yelled.

I quickly finished dressing and limped over to the door.

Killian stood there smirking at me back in his regular clothes.

"Hello love. "

I giggled and gave him a quick pick on the cheek and walked back to the bed and finished getting my stuff together.

I couldn't help but laugh when Killian collapsed onto my bed face first.

He mumbled something inaudible into the sheets.

"What?" I said holding back a laugh.

He flipped over onto his back.

"I'm ready to go home and get out of this bloody place."

I laughed and laid down next to him.

"Me too. I hate this place."

We both sat there in comfortable silence until I got up and grabbed my stuff.

"Come on. The sooner you get up the sooner we can leave."

He shot out of the bed and ran to the door.

I giggled and followed him with a slight limp.

We checked out and finally left the building.

The drive to my house seemed to take forever. By the time we got there it was two in the afternoon.

Killian immediately sat on the couch and turned the TV to Friends. I put my stuff in my room and went back to the living room.

Kilian's stomach growled and he looked over at me with a pouty face.

"Im hungry Swan."

I laughed and stood up walking to the kitchen. I opened the freezer and pulled out a frozen pizza.

I looked back at my adorable boyfriend watching the TV and smiled to myself.

What would I do without him?

I made the pizza and brought him a plate.

"Here you go Killian."

He smiled like a child.

"Thank you love. Now come sit." He pulled me down onto his lap as I laughed.

We talked for what felt like hours and soon heard a knock on the door.

I jumped at the sudden noise and clung onto Killian. The last month's events had made me more jumpy then normal.

He soothed me and got up to answer the door. I followed behind him and he looked through the peep hole and then raised an eyebrow.

He opened the door with me hugging him tightly from behind and burying my head in his back.

Outside of the door was a slim women with dark hair and bright green eyes with a tall blonde haired man with blue eyes.

The women smiled and held out her hand for Killian and I.

"Hi! I'm Mary Margret! My boyfriend David and I just moved next door!" She said all in one breath with a smile on her face.

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