Broken Deals

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Three Months Later

Killian and I had been lying low the last few months. We only went out when we had to and stayed in a large group of people when we did.

We hadn't heard from Walsh since the letter and that was how I liked it.

Killian and I had both found ways to do work from home stating that we had 'family issues' which was slightly true.

Killian and I had still been going strong. I loved him with my whole heart, yet I still hadn't been able to bring myself to tell him.

Tonight we were having dinner just the two of us and I thought of telling him there. I just didn't know how he would react.

I snapped out of my chance as I heard Killian from the living room.

"Emma! Come down here!!" He sounded worried so I ran down the steps.

When I got there he was holding a small envelope.

No not again. It can't be from him.

I rushed to his side and looked at the envelope.

To Emma Swan

I took deep breaths and looked at Killian.

"What if it's from him Killian?! What if he's back?"

"I don't know Swan. I guess we have to find out and go from there."

I slowly nodded and took the envelope from him.

Emma! Well if it isn't the women who has been hiding in her apartment with her boyfriend for the last three months!

I bet you thought I was gone didnt you. Nope. I have been waiting for the perfect time to put my plan in action.

You see,I figured you and Kilian would find someway of avoiding my last threat so I decided a plan.

If one of you is not in central park at the garden where you two first kissed by tomorrow at 7, then I will kill you both. However whoever does come will get a less....sudden death. And the one who stays will never be bothered by me again.

So on that happy note I expect to see one of you tomorrow!

Yours truly,


By the way. Don't be afraid to really fight it out to see who come with me.

I looked up at Killian.

"What do we do Killian?! I can't lose you!"

He pulled me in a hug.

"Emma I know you won't agree with me but you need to let me go with him."

"What! No! You can't go! He'll kill you! Torture you! I can't let you go Killian!"

"Swan, whatever he does to me will be much less painful then what he could do to you. He wants you dead."

I began to feel tears form in my eyes.

"Killian, I don't care what happens to me. I can't lose you! I love you." I whispered quietly.

He let a small smile appear on his face as he moved closer to me.

"I love you too swan. Which is exactly why you have to let me go. If I don't go I won't be able to live with myself if you were hurt or missing."

I leaned my forehead on his.

"This is what he wanted. For us to fight over who would go. He's trying to tear us apart. I think I know what to do. Tomorrow we both go and whoever he choses to take will go. As of right now I just want to be with you."

He leaned forward closing the small gap that was in between us.

"I agree swan. I just hope I don't lose you."

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his shoulder taking in everything about him.

I squeezed him tighter as if that might help me keep him by my side.

We eventually went on with the rest of our day and stayed up until midnight watching TV and cherishing every last moment.

Around 1 I fell asleep resting my head on his shoulder and holding his hand in mine.

The next morning I woke up to Killian placing sift kisses on my jawline.

"Well good morning." I giggled.

He looked up and smirked.

"Morning Swan."

I brought his lips up to mine and closed the gap between us.

I didn't ever want to pull away. I wanted the fiery feeling inside me to last forever and for him to stay with me.

We only pulled away when our lungs felt like they were about to cave in.

Slowly I rolled out of bed checking the time. It was 11 we only had about 7 hours left which I knew would never be enough. I wanted to spend my whole life with this man but instead fate had made us pawns in its crappy game and I was about to lose him forever.

To me the rest of the day flew by despite all my efforts to make every moment last a lifetime.

Soon enough it was 5:30. We were walking out the door in several layers and I was clinging on to him for dear life, knowing that by tomorrow I would never feel his arms around me again.

As we walked towards the park I felt my heart quicken. I knew that this was going to be the worst moment of my entire life.

Worse then when my parents died. Worse then when Walsh ruined my life the first time. Worse then when I had to live alone in my crappy life. Killian had somehow fixed me and know I was about to lose him.

When we got to the bench a small smile crept onto my lips remembering our first kiss, but when I saw Walsh walk out with three gigantic men behind him, my smile faded into a scowl as I squeezed Killian's hand tightly.

"Emma! Killian! You seem to have forgotten the rules! Only one of you was supposed to come tonight. However I think I like this much better! Yes! Now I will take both of you and make you watch as I torture the one you love." He laughed in a sick way as the men behind him crept towards us.

"No! That's not our deal! Take me!" I screamed begging him.

"No no no. I like this new plan much better."

I grabbed onto Killian as he hugged me with all of his might.

"I love you Emma! Im so sorry this is happening." He whispered.

"I love you too Killian."

The last thing I saw before blacking out was Killian's big blue eyes looking into mine full of sorrow and pain.

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