Dreams and Pictures

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Killians POV

"Emma! Your alright!" I yelled kissing her hand and cheeks over and over again.

"Um yeah I guess so. What happened?"

"Well were still not sure, but the nurses think you were poisoned."

Emma's eyes went wide.

"Poisoned! By who?"

"We're not sure yet. We think Neal Cassidy. "

Emma looked so confused and my heart aches for her.

"Why would your co worker poison me? He barely knows me!"

"Emma, what's the last thing you can remember?"

"You and I had just got out of the hospital after Walsh kidnapped us."

I sighed. She forgot half of our relationship.

"Well that was ten months ago love. Alot has happened since then. As for Neal, you and I had a run in with him when you started working with me at my company and he wasn't happy about it."

Emma's eyes were even wider.

"I can't remember the last ten months?!"

I squeezed her hand as an attempt to help her calm down.

"Afraid not love. But I promise you, we will get through this. Once we get out of this place I will explain every single moment and help you gain back your memories."

She nodded.

"Thank you Killian. I don't know what I did to deserve you."

I smiled and stood up. Never letting go of her hand.

"I'll be right back love im going to go ask the nurse when we can get out of here."

She nodded and I left the room.

I walked up to the front desk and got the attention of the nurse.

"When can Emma and I leave?"

"Ummm let's see......Emma is clear to go. However we want her to come in once a week for the next month to try to help her regain some memories. And while your at home try to remind her of some memories by telling her about them."

I nodded.

"Of course. Thank you."

I went back to Emma's room and told her what the nurse said.

"Ok, let's go then." She said with a slight smile. I could tell she was upset at her memory loss.

When we got outside I frowned.

"I'm afraid I don't have a car for us to drive back in.... Do you wanna get a taxi or walk?"

"Let's walk. Can you tell me about some of the more important things I forgot?"

I smiled.

"Of course. Well first of all we moved in together."

She smiled for real for the first time since she woke up.

"Really?! When?"

"Ummm about five months ago. You asked me to move in with you one morning and obviously I said yes."

"Keep going."

"We got new neighbors next to us that have become our pretty good friends. Mary Margret and David. We eat dinner with them once a week. You started working with me as my assistant, that's when everything with Neal happened. He got jealous and trapped the two of you in an elevator and tried to kiss you and when you refused him he tried to hurt you. You knocked him out and the next day I broke her nose and probably a few other things along with giving him a black eye. He kind of hates us now."

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