Double dates and Angry Mary Margrets

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Me and Killian greeted David and Mary Margret and soon we left for the restaurant.

"Im so glad you two could make it today!" Mary margret said as we rode in the taxi.

"Thanks for the invitation."

She smiled and started rambling about something. It was hard to pay attention. Killian was drawing circles on my thumb and squeezing my hand. All I wanted to do was kiss him right then and there.

Unfortunately we had company and that would have to wait until later.

We finally pulled up to the restaurant and we all got out and were showed to our tables. We were right next to a big window and we had a great view.

Mary Margret was thrilled to be on a double date with us. She went on and on about how we were her OTP and how she was gonna be our official fan club starter.

I couldn't help but laugh at this.

The meal went by fairly quickly. I guess time really does fly when your having fun. Between Mary and David and my deviously handsome Irish man I was in stiches the entire night. They just couldn't seem to stop with the jokes and inuendos. What really didn't help was the constant bickering between Mary and David.

Every now and then David would do something immature or cheeky (something he and Killian had in common) and Mary Margret would scold him.

As we were eating desert the two men seemed to be having a nonverbal conversation with their eyes.

Something was up. They were planning something.....

I glanced over at Mary Margret to see she hadn't noticed it. She was too busy talking about something that happened today.

Soon enough I found out what they had been up too.

It happened so fast I almost didn't know what hit me. Yes I did actually. It was whipped cream. And it was everywhere.

Mary Margret was covered as well.

I looked at Killian to see him holding a spoon now empty of whipped cream with a big cheeky grin on his face.

"Why you....." I started before he cut me off with his finger on my face to scoop all the whipped cream off.

I glared at him.

"Oh your gonna get it later. Lucky for you I would rather not make more of a scene in the fancy restaurant we are eating at." I warned.

Mary Margret was practically flaming.

"David! What were you thinking???!!! This is a restaurant for peats sake! Not a playground!"

Killian leaned over in my ear.

"Someone's sleeping on the couch tonight."

I let out a soft chuckle.

"Yeah you better hope its not you."

His eyes grew wide and he looked up at me with his big blue eyes.

"Not the couch Swan! I wouldn't get a wink of sleep without you by my side."

I laughed at his pouty face.

"Oh fine. But only because I can't sleep without you either. But don't expect me to let you off the hook for this." (A/n see what I did there? Hehe😂)

He grinned.

"I wouldn't dream of it love."

I looked back over at David and Mary to see her still scolding him while he was apparently trying to hold back a laugh.

Soon enough we left the restaurant. Mary Margret was still upset with David so she barely said a word on the way back.

When we got back she told me and Killian goodnight and then headed inside leaving us with a guilty looking David.

"Hope you don't have to sleep on the couch mate." Killian told him.

"Eh I'll be fine. She won't stay mad for long. The worst that could happen is she won't talk to me until right before we go to sleep because she doesn't believe in going to bed angry with your loved ones."

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. That sounds like her.

David laughed too.

"You on the other hand have to deal with a revenge seeking women. And no offense but she's smarter then you and more determined too."

We all laughed.

"Thanks for the support Dave. We best be heading in for the night. It's getting late."

I nodded and David hugged us both goodnight and we went our separate ways.

Once we were inside I went straight upstairs to get ready for bed.

I put some pjs on and hopped in bed next to Killian who already was under the covers.

I laid on his chest and played with his hair as his arms wrapped around me.

I placed a soft kiss on his lips and fell back on my pillow. Never leaving his embrace.

"Goodnight Killian. I love you."

"Goodnight Swan. I love you too."



Sorry its been forever. I honestly have no excuse. Im gonna try to update more often but that doesn't seem to ever work so we'll see.

How many of y'all saw the musical episode??!!!! I loved it!!!!!

But now im extremely depressed bc Jen is leaving the show😭 Im still in denial even though I've read her post at least twenty times😞

Well im not gonna bore you with any thing else. Happy Tuesday🙄

(I'll try to update soon!)

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