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One month later

The next day I was woken by Killian slowly getting out of our bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked groggily.

"Im off to run a few errands love. I'll be back in an hour or so."

I nodded. "Ok. Hurry back though."

"I will."

Before he left he bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Love you." I mumbled.

"Love you too Swan."

Killian walked out and I rolled out of bed to get some coffee.

Once I was down stairs I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Ten thirty. Wow I slept in.

Not wanting to spend this morning sitting on the couch I pulled out my phone and found Mary Margaret's contact and texted her.

Me: Hey Mary Margret. Killians out running errands this morning and Im gonna go grab some coffee if you want to join me.

No less then ten seconds later my phone went off.

Mary Margret: I would love to! What time were you thinking?

Me: 11?

Mary Margret: Perfect! Just knock when your ready to go.

Me: Ok sounds good.

I put my phone down and went up stairs to get ready.

By the time I was ready it was 10:58.

I left the apartment and knocked on her door.

Of course in less then five seconds Mary Margret had opened the door and was talking the speed of light.

Something about David leaving her alone one night and how she found some show on Netflix that I 'Absolutely must watch ASAP'.

"Oh and Emma, David wanted me to invite you and Killian to come with us to a movie tomorrow night."

"Oh, uh sure. I don't think we have plans."

"Yay! Its been too long since we got together as a double date."

"Yeah it has been a while."

"So how are you and Killian doing?"

"Oh us? We're great... I really love him and he might be the one for me. We're taking things pretty slow though."

"Oh that's wonderful! You know I have a knack for spotting true love, and you two have it. The way you look at each other with such yearning and love is precious."

I raised my eyebrows.

"I don't yearn."

"Maybe not, but he does."

I rolled my eyes and we continued walking until we made it to the coffee shop.

Surprisingly the conversation was extremely entertaining. Mary Margret had alot to say. However she was acting strange.

She kept asking me all these questions about Killian and I and then changing the topic at any thing to personal.

"Ok Mary Margret, your hiding something. What is it?"

She went red.

"Hiding something!? Me!? Never. I have no clue what your talking about."

I raised my eyebrows.

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