Bruises and Blood

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When I woke up my vison was blurry.

Slowly everything came into focus and I saw that I was in a dark room with a large glass wall to the right.

Noticing a moving figure in the other room I crept towards the wall.

As I got closer I realized it was Killian.

I pounded my fist on the glass screaming his name. When he saw me he rushed to the wall and pounded on it with all of his might.

It was no use. The glass was thick and I knew we could never break it down.

I leaned on the wall slowly letting fear and sadness take me over.

I had tears in my eyes as I slowly placed my hand on Killian's through the glass.

"I love you." He mouthed using his hand to make sure I knew what he was seeing.

I began to sob as I mouthed it back and leaned my head kn the glass completely defeated.

Suddenly the door to my room slung open and Walsh stormed in.

"That's enough of all that sappy hand gestures."

I tensed up worried about what he would do.

He slowly walked up to me and grabbed me by the shirt lifting me up harshly.

"You will never hold his hand again sweetheart. So deal with it."

He threw me back down and I could see Killian banging against the glass.

Then Walsh forcefully dragged me back to the glass wall and held my head in place making sure I was watching Killian.

I didn't realize what was happening until a large man walked into Killian's room and instantly started kicking and punching Killian.

I screamed trying to wriggle out of Walsh's grip. Nothing worked.

Killian was trying to fight back but the man was larger and stronger then him and each attempt only led to more injuries for him.

I was sobbing now. I couldn't watch this.

By the time the man was done Killian was covered in blood and bruises.

Walsh laughed cruelly and walked out of the room leaving me in my tears to just watch Killian try to slowly move towards me.

He placed his hand on the glass and slightly smiled at me even though I could see he was holding back tears.

I placed my small hand against the glass and slowly cried myself to sleep.


1 Month Later.....

Every day since we had been taken here the torture had gotten worse.

One day Walsh would beat Killian while making me watch and the next it would be my turn while Killian was forced to watch from the other side of the glass.

I had lost all hopes of escaping long ago. Walsh was in here twelve hours a day and even if I could get out the door I was so weak I couldn't even get to Killian's room.

I wasn't sure what Walsh wanted with us. I felt like the amount of torture I had been through was more then enough and at this point I wanted to die rather then watch Killian suffer one more time. Today it was my turn to suffer while Killian watched.

I crawled over to the glass and stared at him longing for one more hug or kiss.

His features had changed alot. His stubble had now grown into a tangled mess. His hair was longer and tangled. But the mist heartbreaking one was his eyes, once a bright blue that resembled the ocean was now a light gray as if all hope had left him.

I was thinking about our past when the door swung open.

I looked up and seeing Walsh's sick smile made something inside me snap.

Ignoring the pain I stood up and tackled him then ran out the door and shut it

I ran down the hall to Killian's room and opened the door grabbing his hand.

We took off down the hallway hoping it would lead somewhere.

I saw a small door and threw it open and running out into the sunlight.

We kept running until we saw people rush towards us. Letting exhaustion take over I fainted and landed on Killian's lap.

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