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Eleven year old Ryan Ross was laying in the grass, looking up at the sky, the sun had just set and he was looking up at the moon, the sky started to darken. He could hear the yelling even from outside.

"How could you sleep with that whore?" he heard his mother yell.

"Well she's a better fuck then you, and that's for sure," his father yelled. His parents had been very distant from each other lately, it really wasn't that much of a surprise he had cheated.

Ryan sighed picking a dandelion from the ground and staring at it, twisting it around with his fingers, letting the air take the seeds, he never made wishes on dandelions because he didn't believe in that stuff he never did.

The dandelion fell from his hand as he heard the front door slam, and he turned around. He watched as his mother walked down the steps, a suitcase in her hand, Ryan's heart had sank to his stomach when he saw the suitcase. His mother walked over to him, with each of her steps his heart broke more.

"I'm sorry, Ry," his mother said, cupping his cheek with her free hand, both of their eyes about to flood with tears.

"Please, mom," he said a tear falling into his cheek. "Please don't go,"

"I'm sorry, Ry, I love you but I can't handle this anymore," She said and hugged him, then placed a kiss on his cheek and walked over to her car. She started the engine as tears started rapidly falling from Ryan's eyes.

"Don't come back you worthless bitch!" Ryan's dad called from the doorway, and she pulled out of the driveway and disappeared down the street.

Ryan's vision was blurry from all the tears in his eyes, and the darkness didn't make it better.

"Get inside you idiot, before I throw you out too," Ryan's dad called from the doorway. He could barely move but he took all his willpower to get up and run to his room.


The next few months had gotten worse, Ryan's dad had started drinking and was almost never home, and when he was he would hit Ryan and blame him for everything. Ryan, had been hit by his dad, but not just by his fist, his dad had also thrown beer bottles, dishes, hard and paperback books, picture frames with glass, vases, anything his dad found that was Ryan's mom's, and one time his dad had thrown a knife at him just barely missing his head. Ryan had secretly kept some of his mom's old makeup if he ever had any bruises or scars on that were noticeable. One day he came home from school and his dad noticed the makeup and his dad started calling him a faggot, one of the many names his dad would call him.


Thirteen, that was the age Ryan started cutting, that's when things with his dad got more serious. His dad had started picking up random women and taking them some of them had been nice to Ryan, well that was until his dad told them that Ryan was worthless and they shouldn't talk to him. At that time they usually just gave him a sad look then left. No one really cared about Ryan, after his mom left he cut everybody off and had no friends, no one really noticed him, except for one time when it was hot and he didn't realize he rolled up his sleeve and from that point everyone called him a "suicidal freak".
In high school, most of the tormenting had stopped he would get the occasional "suicidal freak" or "weirdo" as kids passed him in the hall, other than that he was mostly invisible. When he was fourteen he stopped eating most food, mostly because there was barely any food in the house and any food there was his dad ate. He had gotten skinnier and skinnier and then he got the new nickname "twig".


A few weeks after he turned sixteen his aunt showed up unexpectedly to wish him a happy birthday. He was in the bathroom with the blade at his wrist, cutting into his skin. His dad had told his aunt not to come in and that she shouldn't be there but she could tell he was drunk and pushed passed him, running to find Ryan.

"Ryan," his Aunt, Malory, called out. The blade dropped from Ryan's hands, he froze his eyes wide. "Ryan, where are you?" Malory asked, everything felt like it was going in slow motion to Ryan as she knocked on the bathroom door. "Ryan, please let me in," she called to him, in her usually soft voice. Ryan quickly wiped the blood and hid the blade, pulling his sleeve down and opened the door. "Happy late birthday," she said to him, as she did a few drops of blood fell from his wrist to the floor, he must've not wiped his wrist good enough.

His aunt looked at him confused. "What happened Ry? Are you hurt? What happened?" she asked, he wasn't quick enough to stop her from pulling up his sleeve and watched her eyes widen as she pulled up his sleeve to reveal many scars, some new some faded.

After that she quickly took him to the hospital. He was diagnosed with clinical depression and anorexia. After that he was told he had to stay in the hospital until he started to eat more and get to a healthy normal weight and didn't cut anymore and when he became happier.


He has been in the hospital for three months, three long months. Somehow he had managed to stop cutting but he had no clue how he could manage the other two. Well that was until one day in the hospital, it had seemed normal at the time, but it was far from it.

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