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- Ryan -

I woke up to see Brendon in my room. I had apparently been in a coma, but I could hear everything everyone who came in my room was saying, but I couldn't remember what happened before I fell or how. That's the only thing that I can't remember. But I remember just hearing Brendon say that he loves me.

"Brendon?" I ask. I couldn't really get up, I moved my hand a little bit. Brendon rushed over to me.

"Ryan?" He asked, he looked happy and looked into my eyes and smiled.

"I-I love you too," I told him, and he started crying. He was crying tears of joy. I sat up and smiled at him. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. We stayed like that for a long time.


"Ryan!" Rose screamed and hugged me when I came downstairs a few hours later, "I was getting scared that you wouldn't wake up,"

"Well I'm okay," I tell her happily. I was happy I was okay. I was happy. I was happy that I was still there. I was happy with my friends and my boyfriend. I was happy with my life.

"Well I'm glad you're okay," she says and brakes away from the hug, "I don't know what I would have done if you didn't wake up," she tells me.

"I don't even know how it happened, I remember everything else, except for the little bit of time before I got into a coma," I tell her confused, it was weird how that was the one thing that I didn't remember, "and I forgot to ask Brendon, maybe he will know,"

"That's weird," she says raising a brow and tapping her chin, "well I once read this thing that said that sometimes your brain sort of hides things from you if it was traumatic for you," she tells me, but I don't think that's why.

"I don't know about that, maybe my memory just sucks," I tell her and she shrugs her shoulders.

"So would you like anything to eat?" she asks me, and I look around for a minute trying to decide what to eat.

"I'll have a sandwich," I tell her and get one from the fridge.

"Okay that sounds good," she says with a bright smile, "oh and wait one second," she says and I wait at the counter, sandwich in hand, while she turns to the other girl at the counter, "hey Jenna? Can you handle the counter by yourself for about twenty minutes?"

"Yeah sure," the girl who I assumed to be Jenna answered. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and was tall almost as tall as me, maybe shorter by a few inches, she didn't look familiar though.

"She's new, I'm training her," Rose explained, realizing that I was confused. We went to go sit down at a table and talked for twenty minutes until she had to get back to work.


I walked back upstairs to go see Tyler and then Josh, unless they are hanging out together, then I'll see them both at the same time.

As I was walking towards Tyler's room, I watched as someone came out of a room a few doors down from his.

It was Melanie.

"Mel!" I exclaimed, an she tired to look at me her eyes were wide and she ran up to hug me. Her hug was warm, just like the day I had met her.

"Ryan, I'm so glad that you're awake, I missed you," she tells me happily, still hugging me.

"I'm glad that I'm awake too, and I also missed you," I tell her, breaking away from the hug. I really am glad I am awake I don't know what would've happened if I hadn't woken open, or everyone would've reacted. I don't want to imagine it.

"I was just about to come see you, Brendon had told me that you woke up," she explains.

"Well I was just about to go see Tyler and Josh, do you want to come with me?" I ask her, the more the merrier right?

"Sure," she says with a smile.

We walk a few doors down to Tyler room, and I open the door, forgetting to knock first. I usually forget to knock and people are used to it by now.

"Hey," I say and when I look inside I see Josh on Tyler's bed, with his shirt off and his arms wrapped around Tyler, who is sitting on top of him, and they were kissing. They turned around when they heard me and look surprised.

"Well I'll come back later," I said and closed the door.

I definitely wasn't expecting to see that today.

{AN: hellooo everyone, I'm sorry that my last updates have been so short.. but school's over for me.
I don't know if I'll be updating that much on my stories this week though, because I am leaving for vacation in a few hours :) but we'll see. }

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