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- Ryan -

It was Wednesday and last night Brendon had told me about what his parents said. He was planing to come by after he gets out of school with his sister, June. Penny had told me that Sophie had no appointments for the day so there would only be nurses in her room around lunch and maybe around 6 when she has dinner. I hadn't told Brendon yet, but I wanted to take Sophie and June to the meadow, I was going to bring Mel along too because she said she likes kids and she had wanted to meet Brendon. I hadn't forgotten that's Sophie asked me to go the other day and I never broke a promise, many people have broken promises to me that I've learned I shouldn't break a promise because I don't want someone hurting like me.

It was a few minutes past twelve and I went down to lunch, Mel said she would meet me at 12:30 because she had a check in.

The past two days Rose wasn't at the counter and I assumed she was sick, but she was here today. As I approached the counter I could see her more clearly, her fiery red hair, messy and in a ponytail. Her usual bright blue eyes were sad and almost lifeless, and under her eyes were tear stained, and there was a big bruise under her left eye. Even though she was wearing makeup, I could still see the bruise and her tear stained eyes.

"What happened?" I say at the counter, anger in my voice. Jack.

She just gave me a sad smile and nothing else. No words, no other facial expression, just a sad smile to go along with her sad eyes.

"What happened," I repeated, more anger this time. The anger was building up in me like a bomb counting down to explode, "just tell me," I say.

"It's none of your business," her voice was very soft almost inaudible, but I could still make out what she had said.

"Ro, you are one of my friends, you can tell me," I said as comfortingly as I could, trying to diffuse the bomb that was my anger, "I won't eat," I said trying to make her tell me.

"I did what you told me okay? I broke up with him and he punched me and called me dumb whore, and that he never loved me," she gives in the last part was almost inaudible though, she didn't want me to be right.

I get up and go through the employee entrance to behind the counter. I technically wasn't supposed to go behind there, but I honestly didn't care right now. I pulled Rose into a hug, she was almost a foot shorter than me.

"I'm sorry," I said to her sadly, I was right about him, but right now wasn't about being right, "it's going to be okay, Rossy is here," I say in story of a childish voice, trying to cheer her up, calling myself the nickname that I hate, that's she calls me. I can feel a smile creep up on her face and I brake away from the hug, "it's going to be okay,"


The rest of lunch was okay, Mel met me when her check in was done and Rose had made me eat a sandwich. She also offered me some milk, but I refused, I don't know why but I have this strange hatred for milk and I don't even know why.

Lessons were good, I mean now I have Mel here to whisper jokes to me the whole time. I knew about that, that that is what true friendship is like, whispering jokes to each other in class. Tyler and Josh are my friends, but we never do anything like that those two are so caught up in each other and I'm pretty sure there is something going on between them, Mel even said she thought there was something between  them too. Eh whatever, there probably isn't anything between them.

Mel and I walk up to Sophie's room and wait for Brendon and June.

"Hi Sophie," I said and Sophie's eyes lit up seeing me, giving me a wide grin.

"Hi Ry," she beams, looking into the lonely blue-grey eyes of hers.

"Sophie this is Melanie, Melanie this is Sophie," I introduced them and they both smiled at each other.

"So, Sophie, guess what," I say with a huge smile.

"What?" She asks her eyes lighting up.
"We are going to the meadow," I tell her.

"Yay!" She exclaims, joy flooding her face.

{AN: heloooooo everyone
I'm sorry I haven't updated for like a week, I had a little bit of writers block and have been a bit busy with other stories and I know this chapter is kinda short and a little boring and I'm sorry :/
The next chapter will definitely be longer and I will update soon

Well I hope y'all had a good day :) }

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