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- Brendon -

I heard someone open the door but I still couldn't get him off of me. My head hurt and I felt dizzy, I could barely tell what was going on.

"Brendon?" I heard someone say and Dallon broke away from me, finally. I looked up to see Ryan.

"Ry," I slurred out. I tried to get up but Dallon was still partially on me.

I managed to push Dallon off me and watched as Ryan started leaving. I got up and a massive amount of pain shot through my head.

"Ryan" I yelled but he kept walking away, "Ryan, it's not what you think, it's not my fault, please," I said and the pain in my head started increasing.

I tried to go after him but something was holding me back. Dallon. He was holding on to my arm.

"Dallon, stop!" I yelled at him and tried to break away from his grasp, but he wouldn't let go.

"Come on, Brendon, we can be happy together," he told me in a serious tone, but I shook my head.

"No," I said and he let go of my arm.

"If you change your mind, you know where to find me," he said as I ran out the door. Well, not exactly ran, I was pretty tipsy and almost fell down many times.

As I went down the stairs I watched as Ryan walked out the door. I looked over into the living room and saw Jon holding Spencer in his arms trying to calm him down. Shit, I should've never brought Spencer here, there were definitely too many people here.

At least Jon was there to comfort him. But that's how Jon was, he would drop everything if it meant helping one of his friends, but I've always felt like Jon and Spencer were more than 'just friends'. Spencer told me that he did like Jon in more than just a friend way, but he was always too shy to tell him.

I quickly ran out of the house and out onto the sidewalk. I saw Ryan a few feet in front of me.

"Ryan, please!" I yell to him, and he stopped and turned around. Even though my brain wasn't functioning properly, I could still tell he was crying.

"No, Brendon," he said as I approached him.

"Ry, I didn't do anything, I was really drunk so I went into that room to lay down because I felt like passing out. Then he came in and tried to kiss me, I told him no, but he kissed me anyway and I couldn't get him off of me," I told Ryan. I still had a headache and it kept getting worse.

"Really?" He asked me, suspiciously, I could tell he didn't know if I was lying or not.

"Yes, Ryan, I love you," I tell him and he smiles, his eyes are read and puffy, but he still looks beautiful, he always looks beautiful, no matter what.

"I love you too, Brendon, now let's go to the hospital so you can lay down," he says and we start to walk to the hospital. He puts an arm around my waist, probably because I almost keep falling down.

When we get to the hospital, we go right up into his room and lay down on his bed. He puts a blanket down on me and smiles.

His smile was the last thing I saw before drifting of to sleep.

{A/N: here's another chapter, I really need to update my other fics but this one is almost at 1k reads and I don't want it to start flopping, and sorry it's a short chapter. And its kind of bad 'cause I had no fucking clue how to write from a drunk persons pov.
Also I'm sorry for the way I made Dallon in this, I love my bby dal but I had to make someone like that and I just choose Dallon so ¯\_()_/¯
Anyway hope y'all have a good day/night!! :) }

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