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- Ryan -

I walked down the hallways in the hospital, my arm was out grazing the wall as I walked. I had a sweatshirt on so no one can see my scars, though most people in the hospital knew about me and my condition, they rarely ever talked to me though. I seemed to be more of a loner, only a few people talk to me, and I help out the kids in the children's cancer ward sometimes. It's sad though, seeing the bright happy faces on the kids as they play, and then the next day one the kids might not be there. I don't get why the nurses had me do that since I'm supposed to be getting happier, but that just makes me more depressed. I know I should tell one of the nurses that I don't want to do it, but some of the kids would miss me and I like helping out with them, anyway.

I turned the corner to the cafeteria, walking up to the counter. Rose, the girl who ran the counter at lunch and dinner time on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, greeted me with a warm smile like she usually did. Rose was nice, only a few years older then me, she was usually pretty happy, we talked sometimes but she was usually busy.
"What would like today, Rossy?" she said with a playful smile.

"What did I say about calling me that?" I asked, with a stern face. Rose laughed, then pushed some of her bright red curls out of her face. "And I'll just have this apple," I say picking up a Gala apple.

"Are you sure that's it?" She asked, she knew exactly about my condition, she always tried to get me to eat more, a few times she won the battles but I mostly won. None of the other people who work at the counter ever did that, they would never make me eat, they didn't even really care about me, Rose is the only one, the only one that cared enough to tell me to eat. That's what I liked most about her, she was really the only friend I had here. She reminded me a lot of my mom, before she had left, she had bright red hair and brown eyes and was very upbeat, determined and kind.

"Fine," I said going into the fridge and taking a V8. "Happy?" I asked her and she nodded contently.

I sat down at a table. Alone. Like always. The only friend I have is Rose but she has to work, so I sit alone. I take a sip of the juice and then put it back on the table. I stared at the apple, I didn't want to eat it, so just turned it around in my hands watching it.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a voice ask, I looked up to see a boy about my age with dark brown hair and brown eyes hidden behind glasses. His eyes were tear stained and it didn't take an idiot to tell, I would ask the boy what happened but I know not to do that.

"No, you can sit here if you want," I say and watched as the boy sat down across from me. "So are you new around here? I mean I haven't seen you around before," I said to the boy across from me.

The boy just shrugs, "I guess you could say that," he looks at the apple in my hands. "Are you going to eat that?" He asks, I could tell by the quickness between his words that he was trying to change the subject.

"No," I said, looking down at it, then looking back at him, "No I'm not, do you want it?" I ask, it was pretty obvious that he did.

"Sure," he said, "If you aren't going to eat it of course," I rolled the apple over to him. He gave me a smile as he picked it up. "Thanks," he said, taking a bite. I took another sip of my juice.

"So how long have you been here?" I ask. He probably doesn't want to talk about it and I would respect that. He looks down at the apple. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, my name is Ryan Ross by the way," I said realizing I hadn't told him my name.

"Brendon Urie," he says, "And I'm just visiting," he said looking back up at me, "I've been visiting a lot lately," he said, I could tell there were tears building up in his eyes, he looked back down at the apple.

"Hey, it's okay," I said reaching out and placing my hand on his that was on the table, he looked back up at me eyes growing bigger by the second. I quickly pulled my hand away, "I'm sorry," I say looking down to the side.

"It's fine," he said giving me a half smile. I could still see the sadness in his eyes, the sadness I saw in many of the family members eyes. The thing about spending a lot of time in the hospital was a lot of sadness. There was so much sadness and not enough joy. Even though some people got good news, but most of the time it was bad.

"So what are you doing here? Brendon asked, looking me in the eyes.

"Well I could tell you it I could show you," I said, and he raised a brow in confusion. So I stood up gesturing to my abnormally skinny body, then sat back down and lifted up my sleeve to reveal my many scars then quickly put my sleeve back down. "See," I said, he looked at me with concern in his eyes and a frown. Most reactions were like his. I could tell he wanted to ask about it and was going to, but he didn't.

"S-so how long have you been here?" He asks, he hesitated and I could tell that he didn't want to say the wrong thing.

"Just over three months," I told him, "Although it feels way longer that that," I said. Every month my aunt had come in to check in on me, a month ago, she had told me that my father was at a center getting help. I don't really believe it he probably would never change he had been like this for so long.

"So what is it like here?" Brendon asked, snapping me out of my gaze.

"It's pretty good here," I told him "I mean most of the people are nice, I work in the children's cancer ward sometimes, it's hard sometimes but a lot of the staff are nice around here so it's pretty nice," I told him shrugging, his eyes started to get sadder. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking into his eyes with concern.

"Yeah, just my s-sister has cancer," he says a tear falling into his cheek. I immediately felt bad, I had brought it up and I felt horrible.

"I'm sorry I brought it up," I said with a frown, placing my hand onto his again, "Sorry I keep doing that," I said going to pull my hand away, but he stops me before I can.

"It's okay," he says, I could feel a small blush spread across my face, I look down on to the table hiding my face for a few seconds until the blush went away. I looked back up noticing the clock behind Brendon, the time said 1:57.

I jumped up suddenly, startling Brendon. "Sorry, I have to go," I say disappointingly.

"It's okay," he said with a small frown.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" I asked him, he seem like a nice person and I wanted to get to know him more.

"Yeah, I will, what time?" He asked me with a slight smile.

"Is ten good for you?" I asked him with a smile.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me," he says.

"Okay, meet me in the lobby at ten," I said and started to run to my room, Dr. Carson was going to be pissed I'm late, but I had a smile plastered on my face, from the boy, the boy in the cafeteria.

Let Me Save You ➸ RydenWhere stories live. Discover now