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- Brendon -

I walked into Sophie's room, holding June's hand. Ryan and who I assumed to be Melanie were standing next to Sophie's bed all three of them where smiling brightly.

"Hey," Ryan said, walking over and kissing me softly on the lips. He turned back to face Sophie, "So you ready to go?"

"Go where?" I asked very confused. I'm pretty sure Sophie wasn't allowed to leave her room.

"The meadow!" Sophie exclaimed excitedly. I concerned look growing on my face. She wasn't supposed to leave her room, and Ryan hadn't even asked me. What if something happened to her?

"Ryan, can I talk to you outside for a second?" I asked him, a little mad he hadn't asked me first. I went outside, him following behind and shut the door.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, I should've asked you first. It's just that Sophie really wants to go and I kinda wanted it to be a surprise," he says, his brown eyes begging me not to yell at him. My anger quickly faded, how could I stay mad at him?

"It's okay," I say pulling him into a hug, and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He broke away and smiled at me, a smile that could melt your heart.

Ryan opened up the door again and said, "Who's ready to go to the meadow?" He says excitedly.

"Yay!" June exclaims and jumps into my arms, and I pick her up, carrying her out the door.

I looked back to see Ryan helping Sophie out of her bed. I smiled, he was such a kind person. I had no idea what I did to deserve him.

"Ready to go?" I asked, Melanie, Ryan, Sophie, and June all nodded, "Okay then lets go,"


We had gotten to the meadow without attracting attention. Ryan had told me that Penny told him that we need to have Sophie back before six.

Ryan and I were sitting at the edge of the lake with our legs in it. Mel, Sophie, and June were playing tag.

"Brendon?" Ryan says and I turn around to look at him.

"Yes?" I ask him.

"This past week has been great, you are great. I've actually been happy for once since I've been here, you make me happy. Thank you," he tells me turning to face me with a huge smile paired with a slight blush. I return with an equally large smile and a blush.

"Wow, you make me happy too, Ry," I tell him pulling him in to a kiss.

"Ew," I heard a little voice hear and broke away to see June standing in front of us, "boys have cooties," she whispered to me, and I had burst out laughing.

"What?" Ryan asked with a confused look on his face, and June let out a little giggle.

"Nothing," I said and jumped on top of him and kissed him.  I had heard someone cough and I broke away. I had forgotten that everyone was here.

"Brendon!" Mel yelled and I realized who was coughing. I looked over to see Sophie bending over and coughing. Shit.

"I'm sorry," I heard Ryan yell as I ran to Sophie and picked her up, she was coughing in my arms. I looked back to see Ryan carrying June and Mel right behind him.

She coughed up more blood. Fuck. We were almost at the door, just a few more feet.

More blood. I pulled open the door, opened the door. Adrenaline coursing through my veins. Another sorry from Ryan.

Even more blood. I ran up the stairs. More apologies from Ryan.

Melanie rushed passed me and opened Sophie's door and I ran in.

I placed Sophie on her bed tears were coming from her eyes and staining her cheeks. Blood was all over her hospital gown and all over her mouth and chin. Blood was all over my white shirt.

Ryan slammed the nurse button near her bed. Melanie was sitting in the chair with a frown and an anxious look on her face.

June was still in Ryan's arms and hugging him. I could hear her crying, which was muffled from Ryan's shirt.

"I'm sorry," I heard Ryan say one last time before the nurses came rushing in.

{AN:  Hellooo
Okay sorry for being late updating :/ and for the short update
but I thought a cliffhanger would be fun ;)
Y'all probably hate me for a cliffhanger but oh whale :) }

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