
105 9 27

- Brendon -

Fuck. I fucked up. And I fucked up bad. I paced back and forth. He probably won't forgive me. Why did I have to say that to him? Because I'm a stupid idiot that's why. I've fucked up a lot lately.

I have to go check on him. Melanie had told me that they would be in his room and she had taken June with her.

I have to go see Ryan I have to apologize even if he won't forgive me. I have see him and make sure he's okay, but I can't leave Sophie. Even if I'm outside her door.


After a few minutes, my parents came running down the hallway with tears rushing down their faces. When they reached where I was they pulled me into a big hug.

"Is she okay?" My mom asked me, pulling away from the hug. She sounded extremely worried, and I don't blame her.

"I don't know, they kicked us out of the room," I told her, remembering the blood on my white shirt. I really need to change, "Mom, can you guys stay here and wait, and can you call me when we can see her? I have to go get June and make sure Ryan is okay," I tell her.

"Yes, but later you have to tell us what happened," she tells me.

I start running down the hall. I remembered Ryan's room number, her had told it to me once, 412.

I ran up the stairs and I saw two hallways. Good thing there was a sign with what room numbers were where.

I looked at the sign of the hallway to the right of me which read '431-440' nope definitely not it. Then I looked at the hallway to the left of me which read '400-410'.

"It must be around the corner of this hallway," I thought to myself, so I ran down the hallway.

I stopped and looked down the next hallway. My heart was racing really fast. He was probably mad at me, but I hope he can forgive me.

I looked two doors down to the right and looked at the room number. His room number.

I slowly walked up to his door and my heart beat faster with every step. If he doesn't forgive me, I don't know what I'll do. Nothing good, though.

As I went to open the door, someone else pushed on the door and came out.

I recognized who they were. She's a nurse here and I think I recall her name being Penny.

As she came out of the door she had bumped into me and all of her papers went flying everywhere.

"Oh sorry," I said and scrambled to help pick up her papers.

"It's fine," she said with a kind smile, picking up some of her papers.

"So is Ryan okay?" I asked her, handing her all the papers I picked up, and standing up.

"Well it was a very complicated situation," she started to explain, standing up, "see he was walking in the hall way and passed out. When he passed out he hit his head on the ground and had hit it in such a way that he is now in a coma," she told me.

I just stood there shocked. I could feel a tear fall down my face, "what? Will he wake up? Is he going to be fine?" I asked, more tears falling with each word I spoke.

"From what I could tell, he should wake up soon, shouldn't be more than two weeks," she told me, taking a tissue out of her pocket and handing to to me. I wiped my tears with the tissue and shoved it in my pants pocket. Two weeks. I can't wait two weeks.

"Okay thank you," I told her and she nodded her head.

"Are you okay?" She asked pointing to my shirt that was blood stained. I keep forgetting about that.

"Yeah, just my sister, there was an accident," I told her, looking at the ground and trying not to cry.

"Oh okay," she says and checks her watch, "well I have to go, but good luck," she says with a smile and heads down the hall.

I walk into the room and look around. Ryan is in his bed looking very lifeless. Melanie is sitting on the couch in his room with June in her lap. Mel looked up at me, I could tell she had been crying. June looked at me and immediately ran up to me and hugged me and I picked her up.

"Is Sophie okay?" Mel asked with a worried look on her face.

"I have no clue," I told her sadly. I wish I knew. I just want her to be okay. I want Ryan to be okay too. I want everything to be okay but I know it probably won't be, because that's not how it works.

"Okay," she says sadly, looking back over to Ryan.

I went to start to ask if Ryan is okay but I got cut off by my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket and looked at who was calling. Mom. I quickly hit answer.

"Hello?" I asked, worried. I hope Sophie was okay.

"You need to come to Sophie's room now," she said in a blank tone and hung up.

{Hellooo everyone!!
Wow this got up earlier than expected.
Well I had a good idea so here
As you can tell by now I like cliffhangers :)
Welp I hope y'all have/had a good day! :) }

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