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- Brendon -

"Brendon," I heard someone saying and I snapped back to reality, realizing it was my mom, "Brendon!" She snapped.

"Yes, mom, sorry," I say looking down at my dinner, moving around the peas with my fork. Tonight was Tuesday, the only day of the week that both my parents didn't work late, it has also been a week since I met Ryan. I smiled.

"Brendon, what in hell are you smiling at?" My mom said from across from me and my sister, June who, laughed at, the naughty word, or at least that's what she would call it.

"Nothing," I mumbled and my mom sighed and rubbed her temples. My mom was always tired when she got home and she had heavy bags under her eyes. My mom ran a big law firm and it was hard for her, my dad, on the other hand, co-owns his own record company.

"Mom, dad, there is something I need to tell you," I started, nervously ready to tell them about Ryan.

"Well there is something we need to tell you Brendon, and you too June-bug," she says referring to my sister, that's the nickname we always call her. I was pretty pissed that she interrupted me, she did it a lot though, anytime I tried to say something she would realize something she needed to tell me and I would never get to tell her what I needed too. Me and June just nodded our heads to signify that we were listening. "So it's been hard the past few months with Sophie and everything else, and your dad and I have been very stressed and have been fighting a lot, and we know that it's been hard for you guys and we haven't been paying much attention to you lately, but your father and I think it's best if we get a divorce," she said and I dropped my fork, I knew this would happen eventually but it took me by surprise.

"Momma, what's a divorce?" June asked, confused.

"Well, it's when two parents feel like they don't love each other anymore, so they split up and live in two different houses, and you will see us at different times of the week," she told her. Of course they have to do this right now, when Sophie is in the hospital.

"So when are you going to tell Sophie?" I ask with a little hatred in my voice.

"I don't know," she told me with a shrug.

"Okay so you're just going to leave her in the dark?" I said raising a brow, with a rude tone in my voice.

"I will tell Sophie when it's appropriate," she says with slight anger in her voice.

"But it's appropriate to get a divorce now, with Sophie on the hospital, this will make her even more sad then she already is," I told her, even more angry now.

"It's inappropriate to be talking to me like this, bring me your phone and your laptop, you're grounded, and you can have your car but you have to drop June of at school and you will go straight to school and come straight back and I've let it slide that you have been skipping, but you will not skip," she said with a harsh tone. My heart had dropped more with each one of her stinging words, trying to choke back tears.

"You can't do that, I need to see Sophie, I need to see Ryan-" I yelled sadly, standing up and immediately realizing I should've said Ryan.

"Who the fuck is Ryan?" She yelled. After the swear I didn't hear the usual giggle from June, I bet she was scared.

"Well, mom, if you let me talk before without interrupting, then maybe I could've told you that I have a boyfriend named Ryan," I spat, my parents just looked at each other in confusion, and June was still scared from me and my mom yelling at each other. I pushed my chair out in anger walking angrily upstairs and slamming my door shut, flopping on my bed, sighing out of frustration.

A few minutes later I heard a small knock on the door.

"Go away," I said, thinking it was my mom, my voice muffled from the sheets below me.

"Brendie, it's me Junie," I heard my baby sister say from the door. Her and Sophie had always called me Brendie, it was a nickname only they called me.

"Come in," I said, sitting up, and watching as my sister walked in and I hoisted her up on my lap. "I'm sorry if Mom and I scared you," I said to her with a frown, I was mad at myself for acting like that in front of her.

"It's okay, Brendie," she said to me with the bright little smile of hers that could met your heart. "So is it true you're dating a boy?" She questions.

"Yes," I say, "he's really nice I'll have to have you met him sometime,"

"I would like that," she says with her signature smile, "So don't tell Momma and Dad, but there is this boy in my class who gives me his cookie at lunch time and he says he's my boyfriend, but I am an independent woman," she says confidently with her hands on her hips, and I laugh a bit.

"Well, you remember that," I say with a smile, "I love you," I tell her, hugging her, and she hugs me back.

"I love you too, Brendie," she says, and then I hear a knock on my already opened door and my parents come in.

"June, can you let us talk to Brendon alone?" My father asks her.

"Okay," June says and hops off of my lap and skips out of the room.

"Yes?" I ask, annoyed, looking at them.

"I want to say I'm sorry for lashing out like that," my mom starts with a sympathetic tone, "you aren't grounded but we still want you to pick up and drop off June from school and no skipping, you can visit Sophie and Ryan after school," she tells me, with an apologetic smile and her tired blue eyes were apologetic too.

"It's okay," I tell her, looking down at my hands in my lap, "I'm sorry too, and I won't skip school," I tell her.

"And we are totally accepting of you being gay," my father chimes in, with a smile, and I return the smile.

"Thank you guys," I tell them.

"Okay, goodnight," they say, then exit my room.

"Goodnight," I say and lay down with a smile. My parents accept me.

{AN: okay so wOW two chapters in one day!
I'm proud :)

So I want to make my new au into both Bren and Ry's perspectives but I'm debating it
Anyway, I'm looking forward to new au :)

Well, goodnight everyone hope y'all had a better day then me who felt like the literal representation of death.

I know this chapter was a little shorter than usual but the next chapter is going to be longer and I probably won't have it up for a few days.

Okie bye!}

Let Me Save You ➸ RydenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя