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- Brendon -

It's been a week, Ryan still hadn't woken up yet. I had gone to see him every day after school and on the weekend I stayed until the doctors told me it was time to leave.

I didn't just sit in the room, I talked to him, about waking up and about how I miss his voice and talking to him. I talked about my family, and about how Sophie was fine but she had to go through chemo. I told him that it wasn't his fault, I told him that over and over again.

I walked back into the hospital, I had June since I still had to pick her up. I didn't even have to sign in, Penny just nodded her head and walked to the elevator and hopped in, June following behind me.

My eves had bags from getting no sleep. I had barely gotten sleep since Penny told me he was in a coma. My eyes were red from crying. I cried a lot.

This week Melanie had been taking care of June, so I could be alone with Ryan. Mel and June had bonded, and June said she loved hanging out with her.

When I got to Ryan's door Mel was waiting. June took her hand up to me and ran up and hugged Melanie.

"Don't forget to bring her back at five," I tell Mel and she nods.

"I won't," she replied, "and Ryan, I know he will wake up," she said, trying to cheer me up.

"Thanks," I said and she headed off down the hall. I sighed and walked in the room.

Every day I walked in the door and hoped to see him awake. I hoped to see his bright smile. I hoped to see the twinkle in his eyes when he smiled at me. I wanted to see the honey eyes that tried to hide all his pain and sadness, but failed and all the pain and sadness poured out.

But I probably wasn't going to. Why would I get to? I was the one who flipped out on him and caused him to pass out. He will probably hate me.

"Hi Ryan," I say and sit in the chair next to his bed. I have practically lived in that chair the past week.

I took his hand in mine and placed a small kiss on it. I missed kissing his lips. His lips were so soft and lush. I missed them. I just missed him. I missed everything about him. He was perfect and I didn't deserve him.

"Please wake up, I'm falling apart without you," I say, starting to cry. I thought that maybe I had cried out all my tears, but apparently not.

"Ryan please I need you," I say, more tears falling from my face. It was like Niagara Falls coming from my eyes.

I could barely see anything, I was crying so much.

"Ryan, I love you," I tell him, even though I don't think he can hear me.

"I know I just met you two weeks ago and one of those weeks you were in a coma. But I know, I just know. I feel better around you. Before I met you I was lost, everything was falling apart, but then I met you and you saved me," I told him, "So let me save you,"

I then buried my face in my hands, sobbing some more. When I heard something.

"Brendon?" I heard a voice say.

The voice that I fell in love with.

{AN: hey y'all
Sorry this was a short chapter and sorry I didn't update sooner, but I was working on my hogwarts au and I really wanted to get that up.
I hope y'all have a good day/night!!}

Let Me Save You ➸ RydenWhere stories live. Discover now