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- Ryan -

My eyes fluttered opened and I suddenly noticed my surroundings. There was an arm around my waist and I smile. Brendon.

My eyes look around his room. Shit. His room, I totally forgot about my check in with my doctor. Shit, I'm going to be in so much trouble. I turned around to face Brendon, he was still sleeping. I remember last night, after the party we can back here and talked for a little while about my dad and what had happened over the years and he just had given me sympathetic eyes the whole time. After that, we made out but didn't do anything other than that, then we talked a little more then I fell asleep.

Brendon looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake him up, but I didn't want to be late for my check in. Ugh. I checked the time on my phone, 9:53. My check in was at 10:30 and I don't even know how far away from the hospital I am.

"Bren?" I whisper his nickname he told me I could call him last night.

"Mmm," he softly mumbled his eyes out opening.

"I really need to get to my check in at the hospital can you drive me back?" I ask him and he rubbed his eyes.

"Sure," he said groggily, still not fully woken up yet. I smiled at him and he smiled back. We got up and I put my sweatshirt on, we were still wearing the same things we wore yesterday but I really didn't care.

We walked downstairs and I kissed him at the bottom, "Good morning," I said with a wide grin.

"Good morning," he said with a bright smile. He then grabbed his keys and jacket and we headed out the door.


It only took about ten minutes to get to the hospital. I leaned in and kissed Brendon.

"Thank you, I'll call you later," I told him, with a smile plastered on my face, opening the car door.

"Okay," Brendon said with a bright smile and I closed the car door. He drove of and I ran into the hospital.

"You're cutting it close," Penny said from the desk, shaking her head with disapproval as I walked by her. I ignored her and ran up to my room and sat on my bed waiting for Dr. Carson and he showed up after a minute.

"Hello, George," he says and I roll my eyes at the name.

"Doc, can you please stop calling me that," I tell him but he never listens. George is my first name after my father. My full name is George Ryan Ross III, but I go by Ryan because I hate going by the same name as my father.

"Okay," he said looking at my file, he probably won't remember because he never does. "So the nurses have told me that you are eating more and are happier," he says and looks up at me and I shrug.

"Yeah, I guess," I say, avoiding the eye contact he was trying to make.

"You might be able to leave the hospital soon," he told me, scribbling something down on his paper. Truth be told, I don't really want to leave, I mean I don't really know where I would go. My dad is in rehab and if he doesn't get better by the time I get out I won't live with him, even if he does get better I don't want to live with himself. I can't live with my aunt because she has my cousins, Ainsley and Mason, to take care of, Ainsley is my age and is pretty chill but Mason is fourteen and is really rebellious and seems like a handful from what I know of him. And my mom, God only knows where she is.
The rest of the check in went okay, he weighed me and checked my height then said I was all set, then left.


Lunch was okay, I mean Rose wasn't there because she doesn't work on Sundays. I headed off to class, yes, class on Sunday, we didn't have class Friday and Saturday instead of Saturday and Sunday I don't know why and I never asked.

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