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- Brendon -

It was around 8 PM when I entered the hospital. I looked around in the lobby until my eyes landed on the the boy sitting on the couch with a wide grin. Ryan.

He got up and walked to me, then kissed me. I kissed him back, then pulled away. "Hey, do you want to go somewhere?" This kid, Dallon, that Jon was friends with was throwing a party and I thought it might be fun to go to, I had told Spencer and Jon about Ryan and they wanted to meet him.

"Sure," he said, and I intertwined me hand in his as we went to walk out the hospital doors.

Just as we were walking out the doors a nurse came up to us, "Ryan, what are you doing?" She asked, with a stern face, crossing her arms.

"Can we please go out?" He asks her batting his eyelashes, "Penny, please?" He begs.

"Okay, fine," she sighs, she looked like she was tired from the bags under her eyes, and I could tell she really didn't want to fight about this, "but don't be out to late, remember you have a check in with your doctor in the morning," she told him, then proceeded to walk off, rubbing her temples and muttering something to herself.

"Okay," Ryan hollered to her, then turned back at me, looking at me with his lonely eyes, giving me a wide grin. I led him out to my car and we both got in, I put the keys in and started up the car. I had gotten my license about 10 months ago, it had only taken one try, but I was so nervous I thought I would fail.

"So where are we going?" Ryan asked, as I started driving. I had one hand on the when and the other on the gear shift, Ryan had put his hand on top of mine and looked out the window.

"Well, there is this party at this kid Dallon's house and he is friends with my friend Jon, and my friend Spencer is going too, well Jon and Spence are really my only friends," I tell him and he looks at me nodding.

"Okay, that's cool," he says, with a smile that I could see out of the corner of my eye. "Do have you told your friends about me?" He asks with a playful tone.

"Yes," I respond, a smile creeping up in me. "They want to meet you," I tell him. He looked kind of shocked. And I could hear a whispered "wow" coming from him.

"I bet they are going to like you, I mean why wouldn't they," I tell him looking at him for a second with a reassuring smile, then focusing my attention back on the road.

A few minutes later we turned to the street where Dallon lived. There where a bunch of cars parked outside Dallon's house, he was pretty popular anyway, even when I was popular we weren't really friends, I mean he was a senior anyway and I'm only a junior and we had completely different popular crowds of people. Jon was a pretty friendly person so he was friends with all different types of people. I parked the car and we got out, I walked over to Ryan, intertwining my fingers in his again, then walking up to Dallon's house and knocking on the door.

Jon opened the door with a wide grin, noticing it was us, "Hey, come on in," he said, there were a lot of people there and he led us to the living room. Jon went to sit down next to Spencer, who looked very uncomfortable and looked like he didn't want to be here.

"This is Ryan," I told them with a grin. Ryan managed a nervous smile and we sat down on the couch across from Spence and Jon.

They proceeded to ask Ryan a bunch of questions about what he liked and about what it was like to live in a hospital.

I got up and Ryan looked at me, I could see it in his eyes, begging me not to go, "I'll be right back," I said reassuring him. I went to go get some drinks, I had to squeeze threw crowds of people to get to the kitchen, some people were playing beer pong in there. I poured two cups of alcohol, I didn't even know what it was, into two cups for me and Ryan.

"Hey," someone said from behind me. I turned around to see who it was. Dallon.

"Hi," I said, wondering what he wanted, he seemed like he wanted something.

"Have we ever really talked before?" He asked, flirtatiously, running his hand down my arm. I moved his hand away from me.

"I have a boyfriend," I tell him, a little uncomfortable now.

"So?" He asks, with a flirty smile.
"So, I'm not interested," I say, taking the cups and walking away from him.

"Your loss," he calls after me and I rolled my eyes. I walked back into the living room, Jon and Spencer were still asking Ryan questions. I went and sat on the couch and handed Ryan the cup.
"What is it?" He asks looking down at it.

"I don't know," I replied, "it's just some kind of alcohol I found," I tell him and his smile disappears and fades into a frown. He sets it down on the table in front of us.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.
"I don't drink, and you really shouldn't either, I don't want anything to happen to you," he said quietly, looking down and fiddling with his fingers.

"Okay," I said setting the drink down on the table, "why don't you like drinking?"

"I'll tell you later," he responds looking at me sadness filling up in his lonely eyes.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked Ryan, and he nodded.

"But, you haven't been here long," Spencer said, sadly. He knew that once we left Jon would probably go off and hang out with his other friends and Spencer would just sit there silently and lonely.

"Sorry, Spence, I'll see you there later," I say, apologetically, try to erase his sad frown from my mind as Ryan and I leave.

"Sorry about that," Ryan says with apologetic eyes staring at me as I get into the car.

"Oh no it's fine, I could tell you weren't having fun," I told him, with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, well your friends are nice," he tells me with a smile, and I start up the car, "So are we going back to the hospital?" Ryan asked sadly.

"No," I told him, "I thought we could go to my house," I said with a wide grin, starting to drive.

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