Chapter 3

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Adam woke up to a singing Alex,since the walls were so thin.Then running down the hallways loudly.Of course,she didn't have school,it was Saturday.

He looked over to his alarm clock and stared at it.

10:20 am

Staring at it,his eyes began to slowly close again.Then something clicked:

"SHIT"He yelled sitting up and getting out of bed,"Dammit!!!Im late,I'm late Im late....."

Opening his closet,he grabbed the first shirt and pants he found and began to get undressed from his PJ's into his clothing.On Saturdays,Adam had school for his lack of doing good in Algebra II/Trig.Well since today anyway.

After throwing on what ever he could find.he ran downstairs,went into the refrigerator and grabbed some bread and butter,Budder trailing behind him.

"You know Sir Adam , If you let my programming set up an alarm clock,there would be no need to be rushing for Saturday school all the time-"

"That's great!!!!Now shut up and come on!!"

Adam flew around his mother who was making breakfast and she let out a shriek as the eggs she was making spilled all over the floor.Instead of yelling at her child like a parent usually would,she smiled and waved, even though it was known he wouldn't see it.


Running down the pavement,he decided that maybe he should get some thing to drink after scarfing down the dry toast.He was more close to his school than to his house and Budder was in his backpack sleeping,unable to help him make decisions.

Should he be late to school or get a drink?

Pondering over this,he realized he was going to be late no matter what.So he decided to look for a deli,even though he barely knew any deli's around this neighborhood.

Walking at least two blocks,he made it to the start of Emerald Highway,realizing their was a deli underneath it on the next corner.

Suddenly,he was nervous,he felt like someone or something, was watching him.Also,Emerald Highway had a history of housing poor,criminals and homeless underneath.It hadn't always been like that.Before the Event,it was a place where fairs,markets and traveling amusement parks would be stationed for a few weekends,then to travel to their next location.His foster mother event had pictures of her as a small child with her mother.But after many jobs,homes and businesses were destroyed by the Event's after effects,many people stayed here,either orphans or no where else to go.

Lost in thought Adam didn't notice someone jump in front of him,and suddenly he was on the floor.His eyesight clearing,he realized it the people in front of him were the worst gang in the city, The Assholes or more known "The Failures".They were famous for their abundance of failed robberies, beat downs and other crimes around the city.

"Oooo wat do we have ere' boys?"The assumed leader said.When he smiled he had a missing tooth,his face was dirty,hair messy.The teen wore a gray and red plaid shirt and a gray shirt underneath.His pants were torn and he wore broken bunny slippers.

Another boy grabbed Adam's shirt,this one had pink dreads and blue eyes.He wore a pink jacket,white shirt and dirty pink shorts.

"We have 'ere a rich boy Bro"

The last boy sounded sort of goofy and his clothing was also goofy.He seemed to be some sort of gray hybrid cat or squirrel.For clothing he just wore a dirty yellow and red scarf.

"Y-yea Boss!!"

The boy with the missing tooth squinted his eyes at Adam,perhaps looking for a sign of fear in his eyes.Suddenly his glasses were ripped off his face and his golden necklace was being pulled on.

Lost Light (Book One in the Legends of Minecraftia Series)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now