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Adam opened his eyes in surprise , and he could not believe what the scene in front of him held.

"Adam! Get up!," said the person in front him. Brown hair, a blue and orange work shirt.

"J-Jason?", Adam said in surprise. Heron was on the floor, recovering from what ever Jason had done to him, and he was quickly standing up.

"Adam! Go, get this to Seto!", he said and took a bottle out of his pocket, throwing it to Adam. The prince quickly scrambled to get up as Heron struck his teacher and was countered.

Jumping over Ty, and running to Seto, suddenly someone jumped in front of him, a white fire in his hands.

"You thought you could get away brother! Well your wrong-"

Adam growled in frustration and balled his fists.

"Are you serious dude!!! Look what he did to you! And you still call him your father, your still on HIS side?!", he yelled in anger.

Einshine stumbled back in surprise and stared at his brother, hesitating to attack. He looked down to his burnt hand slowly and his brow furrowed in confusion.

"I-I... B-Boss did this to scold me! I did something bad!", he said, stepping back.

"Your calling him BOSS?! Cant you see?! This man isn't your father, hes just manipulating you to do his dirty work! He doesn't LOVE you!"

Einshine was speechless, tears threatening to fall. Adam smiled in pity.

"You don't have to do this. Come with us! We can be brothers, just like we're supposed to be. I wont do what HE is doing to you!"

Einshine hesitated and slowly, the fire started to burn out. Looking up with a smile, the younger demigod started to walk towards Adam, though with some nervousness.

"I-I would like that...a lot...", he said tears falling.

Adam started to embrace him with a hug as he got closer, suddenly being interrupted by a bright purple light from behind him.

Einshine's head turned to the right and then he was thrown into the wall, Adam jumping back to avoid the blast and covering his face from the debris.

Turning to the right where the original light came from, purple and black wings sprouted and a loud roar echoed through out the room.

"Fucking asshole...," Ty said, walking over to Adam, hand on his side and limping, "You okay Adam...?"

He stretched his hand out to pick up his old friend,but was met with an angry expression and his hand being slapped away.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" Adam yelled, his eyes turning a bright golden glow. Ty stepped back in confusion and alarm.

"W-W-What...?" The dragon hybrid said nervously, stepping back in confusion.


"A-Adam... I-I didn't know. I'm-"

Adam angrily shook his head and ran past him, heading to Seto.

"Dammit! Forget it! We don't have time for this!!! Go help Jason!"

Ty looked at Adam, hurt in his face, his red eyes momentarily returning. Suddenly, he shook his head and flew towards Jason and Heron, landing a blow on the evil god.

Adam kneeled next Seto, and gave him the pink bottle of liquid. Seto coughed up blood, his eyes hazy and losing light as he looked up. The sorcerer grabbed the potion quickly and gulped in down.

Lost Light (Book One in the Legends of Minecraftia Series)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now