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The next morning, Adam woke up with an ear-splitting headache, with his back hurting. With a crack and and yelp, he got out of bed. He had to tell Ty about last night.

Looking in the mirror, he pulled up his shirt, to reveal a bruise going down his back in a long line. Wincing, he put his shirt down and got dressed, he would have to hide it from the others. He was going to be late for breakfast, Jason and training.

Hearing a knock on his door, he smiled. As always since they had gotten here, Jason was right on time. He got up to open the door,but it wasn't what he expected.

"Hey um, I found this creep sleeping at your door..... Know him?"

Looking down he sighed. Of course he wasn't going to leave him be.The boy from the night before, with the white and red striped shirt was in fact sleeping at his door. What was his name again?

Kneeling down, he tapped the snoring boy gently and he shot up yelling.


Jason and Adam stared at each other confused.

"Father?", Jason asked. The boy seemed to have realized what he had said and smiled weirdly once again.

"O-Oh sorry to bother you guys, but would you like to sit next to me during lunch o-or breakfast? Since I'm new I-I have no one to sit with."

Adam being nice, smiled.

"Well why didn't you just knock? I would've been glad to invite you to our table."

He smiled and looked at Jason.

"Hello I'm Einshine! I don't think we've had the pleasure of m-meeting before!"

The usually nice Astronomy teacher gave him a suspicious look, but shakes Einshine's hand anyway, slowly.Jason's eyes seemed to turn a bit lighter, then go back to its default color. Adam looked at him with confusion.

Stepping back, Einshine smiled.

"Can't wait to sit with you guys at lunch today! See ya!"

And he skipped down the hallway.

"He's awfully happy for just waking up.....",Jason said.

"What was that about?", Adam asked.

"What was what about?", Jason asked, tilting his head. He had a blank look on his face. Adam sighed for a second time. Maybe he hadn't noticed?

"Nevermind .Let's go meet up with Ty and eat."


Of all the questions he had at breakfast, one wouldn't get out of Adam' s mind. He understood why Jason was here partly. He had powers, just like him. But where did they come from? What was he? He seemed perfectly human at first glance, but at second glance, he was something dark, something from the unknown. And knowing Adam, he just had to find out.


At training that afternoon, Ty asked him to replay how he had lit the one candle. Instead of doing one this time, it was all three. Then, he was asked to do it again, again and again, getting it right all three times. Then, he had to do it in front of Seto, who had returned the night before. He was clearly mad at Ty, for whatever reason he didn't know, until he screamed how, Ty "didn't make any progress and he would have to work harder with him now". Though, he was happy that Adam had at least managed to "learn how to channel his energy".... mostly.

Taking him upstairs to the upper training room, while Ty and Jason trained in the outdoor training section, he began to ask Seto questions.

"So where did you go?"

Lost Light (Book One in the Legends of Minecraftia Series)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now