Chapter 7

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So the next day I went to the documentary with him which apparently I liked. We went to an amusement park together and had lunch. Well It was fun I would say. Enough for a girl who had forgotten how to have fun. We started seeing each other after that day. I was an easy going girl and he enjoyed my company. He was seeing me because I was the adventurous part of his life and I was seeing him because he was helping me getting back to my long lost normal self. So after a week I got a job in public relations. He always told me that I was good in PR. He knew it somehow. Anyways, So here we were- Happy together. I got busy with my job and so did he. We used to work all day and later hang out somewhere. It was becoming the part of my routine. He was becoming the part of my routine. I never tried to contact Diem, nor I went to any bar. I was a changed person. I mean, in the haste of becoming my normal self I overtook even myself. 

Ahhh! Those happy days but I am here in my room with all the walls staring at me, my face is sunken into a pillow and mild headache is trying to make a way into my body. My Escape episode only suggests that 'Old habits die hard' but let's be specific to my case and say - 'Old friends go hard'. And yes I am talking about chalsey and savanna. My mean sweethearts  made me drunk on adventure.

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