Chapter 14

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What is it like to have someone for life and wake up to their faces every day ?

What is it like to  regret for the entire life because of a bad decision which you can't go back to and change?

What is it like to smile from outside when you are dying a little everyday from inside ?

What is it like to settle?....

I crumbled the blanket over my face. I found myself in a dilemma. 

Mornings make us forget while Nights bring back the darkest fears. Yesterday was a nightmare but waking up with a smile today is not going to change anything. This could be the end of us or This could be the start of love....No more aces to play.

Am I happy?

How can I make a a decision as important as life when I am not even sure of what I want ? 

How can I decide when my life is an question mark ?

Uhhh..I want to hide my face under these purple sheets. I want some time to think. Please i want some time alone. Let my mind fight a little. 

And the next moment without thinking I see the car keys in my hand. I put on the hoodie. It is 4:30 a.m. and I am driving on the Highway with song on full volume. I am running away. Again! OhI The winds against my face. The silence. It is me. I am feeling the moment. I am free. So I think I want to be single. Escape is all I need...Leaving behind the gray hours of my life. 

Accelerate! This is Life damn! Accceeelerattee! This feels dude. New song on repeat. 

I am frreeeeee.. , I shout.

I see a pretty house on my left. Chad wanted a house for himself like this. Oh why Chad. Let him be out of my vocabulary. Suddenly I see a bike coming from the other side. Oh damn I shouldn't hit him. LEFT! no RIGHT!! Shit..

It was a loud sound. My head! The pain. Ouch. What? Is this the end ? This is not it ends.. This pain. God help me. I can't see.....I feel dizzy......I can't reach my phone...I can't...


"The car collided with a tree on the left side of the extension of the road." I heard some voices outside the room.

"No major injury. She will be alright"

Wow. The fate. It never let me run right? I thought. Well my mind was the only part of my body which wasn't numb. I survived after all. 

I closed my eyes for sometime.

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