Chapter 15

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"Miss prichett?? Miss Amanda prichett? Wake up!! You are not advised to sleep!!"

A shriek woke me up from my carefree dream. There is a nurse standing with a cup of water. I try to move but there is a minor pain in my head. I touched my forehead and there are stitches. What the hell !! stitches ? What happened to me ? 

"Nothing. It was just a minor injury and you were found unconscious inside your car at 5 in the morning."

"Oh...yaahhh..that tree...What was I thinking....Anyways Thank you"

She is looking outside the room now.

"Dr. Sullivan wants to see you now", she said.

A woman with a bob haircut and round spectacles enter the room. 

" How are you Amanda"

"It's fine..."

"So Amanda we have carried Alcohol and drugs test on you. Congrats the results came negative". she smiled.

"Are you a doctor?", I hear myself saying. She senses the sarcasm.

"Why are you asking dear? Obviously I am a doctor. See this badge. Are you okay. Do you have a complaint ??"

"No I obviously don't have a complaint but Which kind of doctor carries drug tests on a head injury ? Don't you have other errands to run ?". I realized I was being rude but I am a patient with a head injury! She won't argue much.

"Yes we have other errands to run Miss prichett but we have to carry these tests for a patient with a history !". She said it plainly without emotion.

"What do you mean by history ? That's plain offensive!"

She looked at me with Shock. As If I was the one being offensive.

"You are aware with your medical history , Don't you ?"

"Now i have a complaint, Playing with a patient's mind and creating a depressing environment and false accusations!"

"Oh dear... ". She sits beside me. I see her sigh.

"I am so sorry for behaving in such a childish way..I am handling a lot of emotions right now..."

"No it is okay dear. I am a doctor. I am supposed to be a little bit more understanding"


There is silence now. She searches something in the records she carries. And then advances a paper towards me.

I see my name but the date isn't of today. But the shocking part is the entries against my name. My pupils dilate seeing the terms like drug overdose and excessive alcohol consumption. I can't believe when and how this happened?

I look towards the woman beside me for an answer. She is just giving me a sympathetic warm expression. 

"I can't understand this Dr. Sullivan..."

"Remember the time you came to the same hospital with headache problems and dizziness. we ran a couple of tests and you were positive on drugs"

"That bastard Diem..". I realized I was loud.

she continued... "But according to Chad, who by the way is really sweet, you were going through some depression so he didn't want to break another bad news to you. So I wrote the prescription which is there on the next page. He was affirmative that he will take care of you. We don't get guys this sweet these days..

I am checking for the prescription now..It says Yoga, Meditation and healthy food and some medicines...

" Actually you had some psychological problems too and medicines won't exactly be helpful there...hence the prescription.. "

I felt a tear rolling down my cheeks. How could I be so wrong....and then I smile.

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