Chapter 10

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The next moment when I opened my eyes, I found myself in a small room. Like a custody or interrogation room. There was one flickering lamp above the table. And on my opposite sat two distinct figures. And then I understood everything. One figure with a compact in one hand, reapplying lipstick and the other figure staring at me. They were both here. Chalsey and Savanna were both seated across the table.

"Oh! my God Guys..I am so pissed. This was a really dangerous Joke. What if I had died? You guys are really mean and..."

"Don't worry dear we took precautions, there were a dozen holes in the blanket. You couldn't have possibly died of suffocation", I heard Chalsey saying while still fixing her make up.

"What if I had died of shock? or....", I couldn't think of more ways in my thick blank head.

And they started laughing again. And this time they laughed for more than five minutes while I sat there like an innocent lamb. It reminded me of jessy and james from pokemon series I used to watch as a child. 

"Oh! honey don't worry. we are here to help"

"Help? Yaah sure! Helping me die ??", I said sarcastically.

"OK let us come to the point Amanda. How is Chad?"

How did they know about him I wondered. I so wanted to get out of that place. I didn't want to drag him so I just said, "What's the point?"

Then I heard savanna speak for the first time in that session.

"Dear, we know you need to get back on the track and we are going to help you. ". They both looked at each other and smiled.

"What help? I don't understand".

"OK let me be straight. You have changed. At first I didn't believe it but many of our friends have been telling us that you are no longer a person you used to be".

"What crap are you talking about". I was still clueless.

They looked once again at each other and said together. "You have...umm....SETTLED".

And then they made faces of disgust as if they never wanted to own the word they just pronounced.

"Amanda dear, you don't have what it takes to be the third. We have been watching you for over a month now and you are doing all the sick old grandma stuff. Chad has gotten into you. He is a saint Amanda. You have violated rule 71 of our constitution by dating a Saint. Saints make you unfit for this world."

"See Amanda we both have a degree in psychology so please let us help you", Savanna said dramatically.

"I don't need your help. Chad is helping me recover"

"That is not help Amanda. He is making you a saint too. He is making you do the things even my Dad will be ashamed to do. Okay let's start the session."

I felt repulsive.

"Seriously i don't need a psychotic's help in my matter. I am fine."

"Yes you are fine absolutely but then still he is making you do things that we are not supposed to do.He is toxic"

I wondered where these people were when i was with Diem. Things would have been in control in an easier way.

"Amanda, we are your friends and we know you. Why do you think we chose you to hang out with us at the first place in college? Because we saw the potential in you. you are like us. Let us please ask you a few questions.."

"Only few", I said rudely.

"But you will be disappointed", I added still unsure of what i was saying.

"You are the only focus dear". Then they started..

"When was the last time you went to shop?",  Chalsey asked.

"I don't know...maybe grocery shopping...I don't remember..Does it matter?"

They reacted as if they were greatly disappointed.

"Amanda don't you know you used to go shopping every weekend. It was our custom"

"But that was college Chalsey, Grow up", I said.

"But when we met you a year back you were fine honey. I hate this Chad guy. He has taken our darling."

"OK next. What's your favorite cuisine?"

"Umm Chinese is good but i would prefer a healthy diet instead...", Oh what had gotten into me I thought. 

"Does it even matter. I am happy with Chad!!. OK? Please let me go!"

"He is making you a monster,  Amanda!"

"No he is not. Diem was a monster when he made my hands dirty with drugs and Nonsense. Chad is helping me to live a normal life."

Then savanna spoke.

"Calm down you two. It is okay. Amanda see, you are already back to normal. more than normal I would say. we seriously don't want to scare you but....", she continued.

"You remain in your house most of the time.You go out only with Chad. You eat home cooked meal.You don't drink. You must have thought more than once about showing yourself up tonight. You don't flirt. You don't talk dirty. Can't you accept that you have settled. For God's sake....!"

"Enough!", I cried.

I held my forehead in tension. There was silence again. Chalsey was back to her makeup routine and Savanna was texting someone. And I was staring at the table. All those things were true. If Chad was not in Australia, I wouldn't have come there that night. Was I happy with him ? Or was I just finding the change appealing. Settlement. This word used to scare me so much but i never thought about it. I was afraid. I wanted to run away once again. 

"I must leave. Thank you for enlightening me ", I said rudely.

"Your welcome", chalsey said acting bored.

Then she added.

"Leaving so soon ? Is Chad back from work ? Have to make dinner for him ?"

Savanna hushed her.

And then i left.

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