Chapter 12

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She was looking different than usual. She had a bright red colored short dress on with dark crimson lipstick. She looked classy with a glass of red wine in her hand. I don't know why but she looked so mature as compared to the other day. As if she was an expert in role playing.

"Hello Amanda. I am impressed. You are becoming better these days", she smiled in a classy way.

I never understood how she knew about everything. 

"I thought since you are coming back on the track we can hang out together even more", she added.

"Well I don't know...."

But she didn't seem to be listening. Her mind was somewhere else. Towards the crowd somewhere.

"Follow me Amanda"

"But we are here..Where are we going now?.."

"Just follow me, she said sipping wine and still looking towards the crowd. We have so much to catch. I am going to show you something you missed."


I followed her through the dance gangs and college students drinking and dancing. It reminded me of my old days. We used to hang out in groups of more than ten. It was the best period of my life. So I followed the pretty girl in red dress. She led me to a table where some people were sitting on the Sofa and talking. All look elites.

"hello Guys, This is Amanda, The new member of this club. Remember I told you about her?.."

And then Suddenly people started coming to me and doing handshakes and hugging me as if I was a celebrity.

"Hi Amanda dear...Welcome to our little paradise", A lady in the brown dress winked at me. She looked like a modern Marilyn monroe. I smiled. But what was this group?  Before I could ask anything to anyone another man forwarded towards me.

He was an ideally good looking man maybe a little older than me. His manners felt chivalrous and his smile sanguine. 

"Hi I am Steve. Nice to have an addition. We all are gathered here to relax. You will love our sessions ". But behind his smile I noticed a pinch of grief. Or was I just over thinking?

"Well...I surely will", I replied in a way as misleading as possible because I didn't want them to know that I have absolutely no clue of their group functioning.

"Cheers to our new member"

I felt good.

After some introductions Chalsey stood up and raised her voice to announce something. 

"Okay guys does anyone of you know Mrs Roosevelt? . She was loud except for the name.

"I do", I heard myself saying. 

"She works in my boyfriend's Office". I added.

"Oh. Thanks dear. So the point - 'Mrs Roosevelt' . Unfortunately She is Steve's wife and we are under the suspicion that she is having an affair. Our task is to find the person with whom she is having an affair. "

Wow. It felt like a secret elite society. I was enthusiastic as hell. That was the reason Steve looked a little sad.

"Oh that's interesting", I said. Only later did I realize that affairs are sad not interesting when all eyes were on me especially with Steve present here. I definitely ruined my impression.

"Ok Guys. Do anything you can to find out. can take help from your boyfriend but don't let him know because we don't want him to know of this society's existence. Sorry dear. Rules are Rules"

"I understand", I spoke quietly. 

"She added, You can take Steve's help in the matter. He will tell you the timings when her wife leaves and the rest. Well that's it. We intend to find out before our next meeting. Good luck".

Wow. Chalsey was a real smart badass. I never thought that the girl fixing her makeup some days back was the same person. Anyways I looked at the time. It was 2 p.m. I should better be get going, I thought.

"I can drop you. I can share some details with you too during that time".

It was Steve who spoke. It was late and details were necessary so that I could help with the case since I wanted to regain my impression which I successfully tarnished after speaking some stupid things.

"Well That will be great". I smiled

So we left in his Car.

"Sorry for saying that stupid thing. I am not like that..."

"I understand Amanda..Don't worry..Ok So let me give you some details..."

He must be feeling bad for all the things happening in his life. He shared with me everything possible. It was late and there wasn't much traffic. I reached the apartment at 2:30.

I saw the lights were on and windows too. Chad hadn't slept yet. It was strange since he usually used to sleep at 12. Anyways I unlocked the door with my extra pair of keys and went inside.

He was sitting on a Sofa reading some document. 

"Hi Chad..You didn't sleep?.."

"No.. Had to go through some papers...Forget about me.. How was your party?"

"It was". I looked the other way. I remembered Chalsey's word about not revealing about the secret society. 

"Ok good..nice", he said.

"I love you Am"

"Love you too...good night"

"good night"

And then I went to sleep.

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