chapter 8

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So here I am thinking about chalsey and savanna...those darling bitches!

It was one Saturday evening and I had nothing to think about or do. All the chores were already done and Chad had gone to Australia for a meeting for a week and I was on my own. I watched the setting sun from my balcony. Pure red sunshine cleansing my already perfect and peaceful aura. I could see the 5th street from there. And my mind was lost in thoughts from my college days.Oh those Crazy old days. And the last day when we died partying in 'Heavenly Dungeon' across the street. I had always been proud of my sins, or were they sins? I was just having fun, a little too much i would say. I waved my blond hair as a rock star would, during a concert with a mike. The only difference was I had a bottle in my hand lol. That was so funny and then Chalsey and savanna copied me and we all were dancing and tripping over one another the other moment. That was hilarious.

"Chalsey and Savanna". I hadn't heard from them in a year. I last had met them at a party in the upper east side when I had so much fun. They were elites and really rich people. So obviously hanging out with them would have been magical. They always had their credit card full and the world at their feet. Whatever the scene was, the point was that they always treated me like someone special. Like their Third. It is because of them I had memories of the college. I mean without them It would have been so boring.

And you know what happened. I received a text that night! "From savanna"..WOOOOOW!. Did I tell you about the connection we had? ;)

[Babe we haven't seen you in a year. What are you up to? Tell us everything. We won't take no for a response. Tomorrow night? Old spot, what say ;) ]

I was so excited because frankly, without Chad being here It was kind of a little monotonous so i agreed. Chad was constantly working on me. He made me do meditation. He cut my fast food supplies. I drank occasionally. I was healing and as I said earlier, In this process of self reparation, I overtook myself. 

Despite all the stringent lifestyle he made me live, he loved me. And after months of mental abuse with Diem, this was exactly what I needed. Peace. He taught me to care. He taught me to love and clearly I was getting better day by day. He would make me breakfast and we would go for long walks. I had got a nice job and things were more than satisfactory. He just wanted good for me. I wanted to spend all my days with him and appreciate the improvement i was going through. I was healing everyday.

"I have been hearing symphonies... Before all i heard was silence"    

When I looked into his eyes I could see the incandescent love and a burning desire to be with me. May be he admired me more than i could think. I couldn't understand why....

Anyways. So I decided to go meet savanna the next day.

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