42| legimens

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I had been in my dorm for over an hour now since I completely lost it with Ciara, and yes, I regret it

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I had been in my dorm for over an hour now since I completely lost it with Ciara, and yes, I regret it. I regret it when I think about how she was there for me when I was petrified, and she did defend me from Iso–Cora. I'm going to have to get used to calling her that.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on the door. I lifted up my head from in between my knees and waited for the person to come in.

When I didn't reply, they knocked again.

"Come in." I said in a coarse voice.

The door handle turned and a girl emerged from the door. When she stepped out in the light of the sun, I could see that person was Ciara.

She didn't smile at me, she just tensed up.

"Um... Professor Dumbledore asked for you go to go to his office..." she said quietly.

"Why?" I looked at her suspiciously.

"I don't know." I raised my eyebrow, still angry.

"Oh really? More secrets?"

"No, I–"


With that I headed out the door without either of us saying another word. How am I supposed to trust her?


I navigated my way towards Dumbledore's office, and I could hear voices inside. When I entered the room, Dumbledore wasn't the only person in there, but so was Snape.


I tensed up when I saw him. This was the first time I had actually seen him outside of class, and boy was it awkward. Especially after the um.. memories? I saw when I looked at that daisy in the Potions classroom.

"Esmraldia, I see Ciara sent you like I asked." Ok now I really regret shouting at her...

"Right." Was all I could reply with in a half-hearted tone, as I pulled out a chair to sit on.

"She will tell you, you know. When the time is right." I paused, holding the chair.

"How do you know about that..." I looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm Dumbledore. I know everything." I told my eyes. Of course he does.

I coughed and lead our conversation back to the matter in hand. "You called me here, Professor?" I asked Dumbledore, trying my best to avoid eye contact with Snape. I gulped when I noticed him staring at me. Oh hey Professor, so I er kind of found out that you have a death eater son who pretended to be my boyfriend. Hope everything's well–

Wait what? Not boyfriend...


Definitely not, I mean come on...

"Stop thinking about that Hufflepuff boy." Dumbledore said suddenly and I snapped out of my thoughts. How the flippers does he know what I'm thinking?

"How did y–"

"I'm Dumbledore." No way Sherlock.

I rolled my eyes again at his clever demeanour.

"So...?" I said desperately wanting to change the subject. As I did so, Dumbledore looked at Snape, who nodded. Wait a second, did I see a smile?

Never mind, that's unlikely. Tip: never have an over dose of pumpkin juice at breakfast, it causes you to hallucinate.

"I'm sure you remember that... let's just say interesting Potion's lesson the other week when you... saw those um... past events?"

Ohmyflippinggawd. He knows. WhatamIgoingtodo. I thought, the words racing through my mind as fast as possible.

"Um... I guess so..." I replied nervously.

"Those were as a matter of fact my memories about um... a girl," the moment when everything suddenly becomes awkward, even Dumbledore-the-mind-reader looked uncomfortable. "You used legilimency on me. It is a very powerful magical ability to have, and as far as we know only the Dark Lord possesses it."

My jaw dropped. What the actual f–

Control the language, Esmraldia!

"So now you're telling me I'm connected to Voldemort somehow?" I said.

"Possibly." Dumbledore replied. My eyes widened.

"You do realise I was joking, right?" Ok now I can't control myself anymore. WHAT THE ACTUAL F–

Nope. I won't allow bad language. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent... I repeated over and over again inside my head.

"Severus?" Dumbledore said. Something was definitely fishy here. He called him by his first name. That's a first. Are they friends? I wonder if Sev says the same thing about Dumbledore.

"So both Albus and I," I knew it, I'm a seer. "have decided to teach you to develop your legilimency and occlumency skills, starting now. You could be very useful in defeating the Dark Lord; being able to read his mind.

"You mean ol' Voldy?" Snape's expression could kill if they could. Oops...

"What? Just trying to diffuse the tension."

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