Hanging with idiots

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I was laying on the couch when parker came running in the room with my crutches yelling, "Guys I'm taking my new little Jeffery to the carnival who wants to come!!!"

"I will I got to vlog anyways." A man said coming down the stairs he was the guys with brown hair I think he is kiingtong or as he likes me to call him will.

"Vlog?" I asked confused Will and Parker just stared at me like I was a alien or something.

"Wait wait wait Parker she doesn't know what a vlog is does she know what youtube is?" Will asked looking at me.

"No I don't but it sounds cool." I said while grabbing my crutches and walking towards the door I put my fist in the air and yelled CARNIVAL!!"

Parker and Will still looked shocked and then got in the car with me Will helped me in I got shotgun and will just pouted the whole time and then H came running out saying, "Wait ima cominnn." He then jumped in onto will.

"H get you butt off of me! Moon halp!" Will said looking me in the eyes.

"I like the show I'm sorry William but this is just to funny." I said doing a bow in my chair. Parker started the car laughing his head off and then a few minutes later we were at the carnival.

I was just waiting for cotton candy its my favorite treat like I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I crutched over to parker (if that is even the right word XD)

"PARKER PARKER PARKER I NEED DEH COTTEN CANDY!" I said giving him puppy eyes.

"Oh no not the puppy eyes!!" He said picking me up bridal style to the cotton candy stand he ordered me one and gave it to me I said thank you and started eating it. Parker and Liam were sharing one and Will looked up from his phone and said, "Can I have some?"

"Sorry this is mine." I said crutching away no one touches my cotton candy.

"Then I guess ill just have to take it." He said coming towards me.

"Nope DIVERSION!!" I yelled throwing my shoe at him and crutching away.

"OW!" he yelled but I was already gone.

"Wow you are fast in crutches." he said grabbing my cotton candy and taking a bite.

"Can I have my shoe?" I asked crutching back to parker and liam while Will had my shoes in his hand.

"Nope." he said in a funny tone

"Why is your voice so weird?"

"I'm British duh." He said

"Well I guess you didn't catch my Australian accent did you?" I said with my stupid accent

"I live with two of them of course I did." He said as we caught up to H and Parker.

"They look so cute together right?" I said while trying to crab my cotton candy and shoe.

"Parker can you tell him to give me my stuff back?" I said while trying to grab them.

"William shake sphere give my Jeffery her stuff back please?" Parker said with a evil grin.

"William shakes I kind of like that nick name." I said laughing my head off.

William shakes dropped my treat on the ground along with my shoe told parker that he shouldn't of said that and put me over his shoulder and carried me away.

"Parker my treat NOOOO! save MEH." I yelled while will was running around the carnival with me on his back.

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