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Parkers POV

I was shocked I didn't know what to do the whole cube was downstairs tears in their eyes. We all just stared at eachother untill graser spoke up.

"What do you want?!" Graser said through gritted teeth.

"Oh all I want is for her to suffer is all."

I saw her flinch and look and me and wink then pretended to be passed out. She didn't seem to notice. Then all of thr sudden moon knocks the gun out of her hand and kicks it to me and I pick it up.

Moons POV

I felt her taking me downstairs. When. she got down the stairs I heard her and someone else talking. I opened my eyes and looked at my dad and winked. About four seconds later I kick the gun out of her hand and parker picks it up. She throws my head againt the wall. The last thing I hear is sirens and people calling my name then I black out.

I hear someone saying my name and wake up to see parker. He gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"How you feeling?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Ok I guess what happend?" I asked
taking some ibprophen from him.

Then he tells me the story of how when he got the gun whisperd to h to call the cops and that she smashed my head against the wall. The cops came barging in with some medics they said I would be ok with some rest and to drink lots of water.

"Wow well can I go downstairs?" I asked.

"Sure." He helped me downstairs only to be ambused by the cube.

"Hey guys whats up i think the ceiling is looking really good today don't you think." I said with my best poker face but trying not to laugh at my own joke.

"You are such a little punk!" H said while throwing me over his shoulder and kissing me on the cheek.

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