my king

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Moon POV

  I was walking through the back door when I see Kermit with a nervous face and an angry bull holding his phone.

"Why is there a million photos of you and Kermit on all of my social media accounts and phone!" The cow yells and starts chasing me.

I run through the backyard and while I'm running I see parker laughing and Kermit mouthing I'm sorry I'm gonna get him. I think I just started a prank war. I run into the shed and grab my secret stash of waterbaloons. Brayden owns the door and i start throwing balloons at him. The thing is these water baloons were filled with rotten milk and eggs. I run past him laughing my head off he looks to kill.

I run and hide behind parker. Brayden comes up to me and throws me over his shoulder and heads towards the pool. The whole cube was recording the whole thing from when I ran out the Door. I didn't know how to swim so I was trying to get out of his grip he was about to jump in when parker pulled me off his shoulder and pushes cow in.

"How about we go to the beach today?" Parker says laughing when everyone went to get changed.

I wasn't going to swim for obvious reasons. So I wore a black pair of sunglasses some shorts with a imagine dragons tank top. With some black flip flops. When we get to the beach we spread out some fpay frisbrr and some swim. I just chill on my towl getting a tan when I am picked up. Brayden was holding me along with Kermit ibwas going tonkipp Kermit. I squirmed and tried to convince them to let me go
Parker was laughing ng at me and they didn't believe me when I said no couldn't swim.

They got to the docknajd counted from three then threw me in while I was screaming I went live we're and lower screaming then it all turned black.

Wills POV

I heard a scream an saw moon flying in the air her bright blue Aussie hairn going in with her. Its been at least three minutes and she hasn't come up yet I see parker,Kermit, and cow all looking nervous. I ran. I as taking off my shirt and shoes and hopped in the water. I see moon floating on the bottom I quickly Swim to her and start to drag her up. When we got to the shore I layed her on the sand and started doing CPR. I kept dong it while Parker and H were at my sides. She choked up water an led at me and passed out. She must be tired from qllbthe struggle. Parker picked moon up glared at Kermit and brayden put her in the car and drove off.

I love that girl

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