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So here I am sitting in a hospital room with stitches and cuts and casts. So apparently I have a broken arm a broken rib and stitches up my stomach and side of head. For some reason with Jordan not touching my leg it healed.  Parker comes in every now in then to check on me I found out Him and H were dating then I yelled I SHIP IT we all laughed. I am going home today I am super tired though. I haven't seen will though. Parker cone in and carries me to the car once he puts me in the car I fall asleep.


I was taking moon home and since her birthday is coming up the cube wants to do something for her. She fell asleep in the car I was pulling IP to the cube house when I see bee come out and grab moon. She told me she was going to put moon in pajamas and put her to bed. Me and H kiss her forehead and bee takes her to her room. I go into the kitchen and start pigging out on some skittles that were on the counter. Will came out of his room with a smile on his face.

"Will what's up with that smile on your face bud?" I ask him suspiciously.

"Oh nothing." He says getting a drink and going out side.

I am confused but I guess I'll record a Minrplex reject video.

Moon POV

I wake up in my room? I see I am in my unicorn onsite that has a horn and little tail bee must've put this on me. I get up when pain shoots up my sode I then realize I should be more careful.
I grab my phone and start to read my books then fall back asleep.





I shoot up to see H I give him a wett willy then turn over with the pillow over my head. Did I mention I love my bed.

"Eww gross moon." H said trying to get the spit out of his ear. H then traps me in a cacoon blanket. He starts carrying me downstairs.

"Parker! Halp!" I yell trying to escape my comfy trap.

Parker runs into the hallwayvsees me in a cacoon with h carrying me laughs then walks back into his room. I try and try and try but I'm trapped. H throws me on the couch all there is is my face poking out of the blanket. I stick mybtounge out.

"All I can see is your little tounge!" H said laughing.

I pout. Parker comes over to ke kisses my forehead and whispers."I will never loose yoy again." Then he gives H a kiss which I gag he yells that hes going to the store with bee,will,straub,Nathan,graser, and h.
I am still trapped in the blanket when they walk out the door. Brayden     comes down and sees my situation. He just laughs at me takes a picture posts it on twitter with the hashgtag as snug as a moon in a rug. About 20 minutes later Stacy helps me out.

"FREEDOM IM FREE!" I yell running around with my arms clenching my sides. Stacy laughs then goes to Her room. I . am. Bored. Now.

I grabs braydens phone which he left on the counter and go sit by Kermit.
Me and him spam his phone with selfiesnthat his photos are filled. I put it back in its spot and high five Kermit the frog.  I get up and run around not  able to keep my energy in but oops its out. Parker comes in seeing me run around and just smiled and said she is so my kid.

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