birthday whoopee *sarcasm*

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Moon POV

I woke up on the couch with the whole cube passed out on the floor. I looked at the calander and in big words it said moons b-day I grabbed all of the calendars in the house and put them in the closet in my room. I went on everyones phone and deleted all of their reminders. And went back to the couch and fell asleep. I was woken up by the smell of oreos I just still had my eyes closed.

"Parker that's not gonna work." I heard Sean say.

"Yes it will I know my own daughter." He said putting it on my lips.

I bit on the Oreo and ran upstairs with it in my mouth locked my door then went back to bed. I heard laughter coming from parker who sounded like a dying horse. I was under the cover when I hear the door opening and parker coming in.

"Morning Moon!" Parker said while giveing me a giant hug on the bed.

I just muffled a hmph in my pillow for response. He left me to get some more rest and then a rock cane through my window.(Thankfully it was open) I went and picked up the rock and there was a note on it:

Dear moon,

You really thought you could escape me HAHAHA well you thought wrong. I escaped prison and am coming after you I had to get rid of that Jordan fellow first before I could get to you. He was just a pawn in a really big game of cat And mouse. Expect a visit from an old friend tell anyone about this amd your "father" parker will suffer. I can't wairlt for us to meet again and happy birthday.


Who sent this!?!?!? I don't know what to do how do I know them and how did they know its my birthday. I went downstairs to see everyone on their phones good. I hop onto Kermit and brayden saying.

"You two are now my aervents for the whole week." I say with a grin on my face.

"I don't think so little lady." Brayden said booping my nose.

"Three words me.water.birthday." I coverd my mouth on the last word.

Parker jumps up saying Birthday!

"Um no?" I said with a nervous laugh.

"How come you didn't tell us!" Parker said running over to me picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder running out the door yelling,

"Everyone we are going to boondox so get your buts in the cars." Parker said putting me in his car.

The cars were like this:

Car 1 (Sean's car)


Car 2 (stacys car)

Car 3 (Parkers car)


Car 4 (Mitch's car)


Car 5 (Kevin's car)


Then an hour later we arrive at boondox.

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