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Quick note: If you see any mistakes I have missed please comment what they are. Meaning of Sybil: "prophetess" Origin of Sybil: Greek


Sybil's prov.

I am Sybil and I used to live a normal life. I worked at my job, lived in my own house, and cooked my own food. I would visit my parent occasionally and chat. Nothing interesting ever happened until I had a stalker.

A few years ago, I felt the presence of someone following me. It was like a shadow I couldn't see. I went to the park to try and get away, thinking maybe since there were kids and parents around nothing would happen. I was watching the kids play when one of them started falling.

I ran over and caught them at the last second. The kid's parents rushed over and thanked me. I saw some weird looks from other parents, like I was an alien.

I still have the feeling of someone watching me. Maybe it's nothing and I'm over reacting. I went back to my house and locked all my doors. I cooked myself some supper then read some of my book.

That night I heard a howl outside my house. I went to work the next day and noticed a strange guy sitting at a table. He sat there all day and left five minutes before my shift was over. On my way home I kept seeing the same car behind me occasionally.

I thought for a second then started driving down a road I knew I would lose the car on. A few quick turns, curves, and I arrived at my parent's secret drive way.

I pulled in far enough that you wouldn't be able to see my car. I waited for a few minutes when I saw the car that was following me fly by.

I waited a few seconds more before pulling out and driving the opposite way back home. I wanted to call the police but I didn't have a good description of them or their car so the police wouldn't be able to do much good.

I didn't sleep that night knowing that the stalker could be watching me. My mind kept wondering what they were going to do or what they wanted from me. I wasn't rich, popular, or a threat to them so I was clueless.

Then the next day at work the same guy was there again, and again he left five minutes before me. This time I took my time leaving and driving home. I wanted to annoy this stalker so maybe he would leave me alone.


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