A long awaited talk

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Sybil's prov.

I calmly walked from the woods to my house then got into my car. I drove to my parents' house and rapidly knocked on the door. My mom opened the door and greeted my politely.

"We need to have a talk." I demanded.

"Come right in sweetie." My mom said.

I walked through the house till we came to the dining room. We all took a seat and I took a deep breath.

"I have some serious questions. I'll start with the most important. Am I adopted?" I stared at them.

"No! Why would you be adopted?" My dad yelled.

"Then I have another question, and no lying. Are you shifters too and will I become one?" I asked calmly.

They looked at each and shook their heads then talked. "Well, I don't know how you found out, but yes we are both shifters. You, unfortunately will become one." My mom stated.

I say in shock as my mind tried to process what was happening. I thought about turning into a dog and barking at squirrels or turning into a cat and chasing mice. Then I asked, "So what happens next?"

"When you turn twenty-one you will go through a change. You will turn into any animal that you are currently thinking about. So, on the night of you twenty first birthday try to only think about one animal." My mom told me.

"Also, don't shift in front of other people because they will not understand and probably try to kill you." My dad stated.

"That's good to know. When were you two going to explain this?" I asked.

"Well we were going to do it tomorrow before your birthday party." Mom said.

"So, you thought that that would be enough notice? The day of my birthday?" I said with a weird look on my face.

"I guess now that I think about it, probably not." Dad said.

"Well know that I know I'm going to eat, sleep, and try to digest all this information before tomorrow." I said as I walked back through the house. "See you tomorrow." I yelled as I walked out the door and to my car.

I drove back home and fixed me dinner. I slowly ate and thought about my day. I then went to bed and dreamed of all the animals that I could end up turning into. Tomorrow is going to be one heck of a day.

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