Hanging out

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Sybil's prov.

Since it wasn't like I could call anyone for help, I just jumped back on the bed and laid down. I shut my eyes and soon fell asleep. The next morning I was back in my human form but without my clothes on.

I got dressed and ate my breakfast before calling mom. I sat there for a second before I heard her pick up.

"What's up sweetie?" She asked.

"I wish you would have told me how to change back. I thought I was stuck, but then I fell asleep and woke up without my clothes. Which also would have been nice to know." I said.

"I guess we should have mentioned that but it slipped our minds. If you want to change back, you have to concentrate on your human self." She stated.

"Thank you. I must go now. I'll talk to you later. Bye." I said.

"Bye honey." She said as she hung up.

I stuck my pocket knife in my pocket and headed out the door. I wanted to find my stalker again to talk to him. I was walking around town when I felt a familiar presence.

"I can sense you there. Come on out." I stated calmly.

"You got me." He said as he came to stand beside me.

"So why were you so interested in seeing if I was a shifter?" I asked.

"Well I'm looking for a certain shifter. There is a rumor that a shifter with a black symbol on their right leg will do great things. It's also my job to find them." He told me.

"I have something to show you." I said to him as I beckoned him to follow me.

I took him in to the woods and said, "Stay here and wait for me to come back as a wolf."

I went behind some trees and bushes and stripped so I could change back into the clothes later.

Then I focused on shifting into a wolf again. It didn't take much time and I soon went back to where he was standing.

I walked up to him and showed him my right leg. "I can't believe this! After a year and a half of searching I finally found you." He said shocked.

I went back to my clothes and shifted back to my human self. Then I walked back and said, "So what do you think?"

"It's my task to being you back to my friends so we can figure out what this means. So, do you want to come with me and meet everyone?" He asked.

"I would love to meet them. Do I need to bring anything?" I asked.

"Not right now." He stated.

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