Fighting together

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Sybil's prov.

We were all paired up and ready to start when Ethan showed up with the girl who attacked me and four other people.

"What's this?" Reid asked. "Isn't it obvious? I'm taking over. These are my new friends who are helping me." Ethan said.

"You're not going to just be fighting him this time." One of our people said. "That's why I brought helpers." Ethan said.

We all got into a defensive position as they all got into an attacking position.

They made the first move by charging at us. I ended up fighting the girl who attacked me the first time. This time I waited to see what she would shift into.

I used all the training that I learned to keep her busy. I caught a glance of Reid fighting Ethan while everyone else had a random opponent.

I could tell Reid was winning his fight until Ethan randomly shifted into a leopard. Reid soon shifted into a leopard as well.

The girl I was fighting soon stopped and ran off. I wasn't taking any chances and ran into the woods to shift. Since I was better at fighting I shifted into my white wolf.

When the four helpers from Ethan's group saw my Mark they stopped fighting us and joined our fight.

I sniffed out the girl I was fighting and found her trying to sneak up on Reid. I charged at her and knocked her over.

She soon started fighting me again and I was able to get an advantage over her. I made sure to claw as much of her as I could and Chase her away.

I walked back over to where Reid was fighting and soon he chased Ethan away. We all fixed each other up and ate some food. Then we made room for the four new shifters.

We still had three rooms open for if we found any new comers. Reid and I spent the rest of the day together and watched a movie.

The next day we only did half a day of training so that Reid and I could go out to eat again. Then when we made it back home, we moved into one room together.

The next day I started feeling weird and a little sick. I went outside to walk it off and when I leaned on a tree vines started growing where I touched.

When I took a deep breath in and let it out a gust of wind came out of my mouth. When I went to the small pond and touched it, the water crawled up my body and healed all my wounds from yesterday.

Then when I concentrated on my hand small flames flickered on my fingers but the flame didn't burn me.

What was going on with me? Should I tell Reid? Is there a book about this? Is this supposed to happen?

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