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Sybil's prov.

Even with me taking my time it did nothing to stop the stalker. He seemed to disappear once I got into the view of my home, but I still felt a presence near me. Since tomorrow was my day off I figured that I would confirm if he was truly stalking me.

I did my normal routine and then went to bed. There weren't any sounds that night except a few frogs. The next morning, I got up and dressed and headed out to the park. I was soon accompanied by a dark figure. I then walked into a store, then seen the figure across the road.

I left the store and walked into a forest path. I made sure to lose sight of him and then stand behind a tree. I waited till he passed then tapped him on the shoulder. He quickly turned around with a shocked expression on his face.

"Why are you following me?" I yelled in his face.

"I needed to know something so I kept an eye on you." He stated calmly.

"What could you possibly need to know from watching me?" I asked with confusion.

"Well of I told you, you probably wouldn't believe me." He said while staring at me.

"Whatever it is just tell me before I call the police." I told him.

"Fine. I was seeing of you were a shifter, someone who could change their shape into any animal." He said with a bored look on his face.

At first I just laughed and laughed not sure what to think. Then I saw he had a serious look on his face. "Well I'm pretty sure I would know if I could change into an animal." I stated with a smile on my face.

"Not until you turn twenty-one. Which why I was watching you because I know your birthday is soon." He stated.

"How do you know my birthday?" I ask creeped out.

"Your parents of course. Where else would I find that kind of information?" He asked.

"Wait does that mean my parents are shifters?" I asked weirdly.

"Unless you were adopted then yes at least one of your parents have to be a shifter." He said.

"Well then I need to ask them this. Now please stop following me." I told him.

"I'll stay in town in case you want someone else to talk too." He said while walking away.

"Thank you." I called out to him before walking back out of the woods. My parents and I have a lot to discuss.


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