Marshall Lee X Reader - Adventure High

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Heyy guys, this is my first Marshall X reader story, so before we start lets clear some stuff up, your 15 years old and your just about to move half way across the world. Could your life be any worse at this point, for you, probably not.
(Y/N) - Your name
(L/N) - Last name
(H/C) - Your hair colour
(E/C) - Your eye colour
(H/L) - Hair length

"Do we have to move?" (Y/N) asked her mother for the 10th time.

"Yes, as I've already told you the past 10 times."  Your mother replied, in a calm tone.

"But whyyyyyyyy?" You questioned her, really not seeing that there is any need to move.

"Because your father has got a promotion, that means we have to move. Now go pack your things before the move truck comes."

You stormed up stairs, towards you half empty room. Once you got there you slammed your door open, with a loud bang and screamed. "Ahhhhh! She just doesn't get it! How would she like it if she had to move half way across the world, during exams and leaving all her friends behind!!" You threw yourself on your bed and began to cry. "It's just not fair!" You repeated these words to yourself, over and over again, until you feel asleep.

You woke in a dark forest. You were lost, cold and hungry. There was no sign of life or light anywhere. So you continued walking north hoping that you'd find some, who might be able to help you, or at least tell you were you were.

Your legs were tired and you were finding it hard to keep walking, but you couldn't stop, you had to find a way out of here. The further you continued the more you wanted to give up, it just kept getting darker and darker, until it came to the point were you could no longer see. Just before you blacked out, you herd a voice.

"Not yet my dear, but soon." 

~End Of Dream~
You woke up in your bed and sweating. You looked at your surrounding to see nothing had changed, you were still in your room at home.

You looked out your window and you saw that the moving van had now arrived. "How long was I asleep?" You glance at the wall clock to see that you were sleeping for almost 3 hours. "What? It felt like minuets!!"  You quickly run out of your room carrying some of your moving boxes.

As you get downstairs you notice that it was all empty. As you staring at the room your father approaches you.

"You ready to go honey?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah there's still a few things left in my room. Erm, lemme go get them." You turn around to leave but he stops you.

"I'll get them for you. You go take that stuff and meet your mum in the car." He smiled before going upstairs to retrieve your things.

The truth is that you wanted to get your stuff so you could have one last look around, but I guess it's too late now. You walk outside and place the boxes in the back of the van, then walk to the front to get into the truck. You sit beside your mother in silence, but not too long as your dad soon returns and starts the engine. You look out your window saying one last goodbye to the house before it disappears from you view.

~Time Skip To The Airport~

"This flight is about to leave, please fasten your seat belts for take off." You heard the flight attendant call through the speaker. You close your eyes waiting for take off and before you know it your asleep again.

The plane shakes violently as you wake up, you quickly look out the window, seeing that you a quickly falling to the ground. The plane shakes again and you hit your head on the window and you are knock out cold.

Cliffhanger!! I'm off school for a week, so i should be able to update a lot!! Anyway comment what you think so far, I will love hearing from you!! :) xx

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