Part 1

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Sam gave Dean an exasperated face. Dean rolled his eyes and set the phone on the table, making sure to put it on speaker.
"What do you want Crowley?" Dean said angrily.
"There's a young girl. Mid to late twenties whom I desire."
"We're not getting you a stripper."
"She happens to be something that shouldn't exist and I need to find out why."
"What's in it for us?" Sam spoke up.
"Moose. How about saving an innocent girl from probably all of heaven's wrath. Do we have a deal?"
"Good squirrel."
Crowley hung up just before a flutter of wings came. Dean's eyes moved faster than the rest of his body towards Cas, a smirk working its way onto his face.
"Hello Dean." Cas gave a small smile.
"Hey Cas. What's up." Sam said.
"Hello Sam. I actually could use some help from you both. Heaven is hunting after a girl who is said to be the daughter of a cherub and a human-"
"Lemme guess. We have to save her from heaven's wrath?"
"Yes. Crowley is also after her as well, only for research purposes as we know of."
"Of course."
Dean got up and finished his beer. "I'll meet you at the car in ten"

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