Part 16

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Sam was sitting in the med bay with Gabe. Gabe was still wearing Sam's flannel, and Sam looked hella sexy in jeans and an old Star Wars shirt. Gabe stared down at his feet.
     "So, you love me?" He finally said. Sam blushed a bit and nodded. Gabe grabbed his hand and Sam looked at his eyes. "Good." Gabe gave him a short and sweet kiss. "I love you too."
     Sam smiled. For the first time in a while, his love hadn't died.

Dean sat alone in his room. A knock on the door awoke him from his thoughts. He opened it to be met with Cas's bright blue eyes. His cheeks warmed as he let him in the door. The angel walked in - closing the door behind himself - and sat on the bed next to Dean.
"So, you love me?" Dean asked.
"So, you love me?" Cas retaliated, staring Dean back in his apple green eyes. Both of them blushed.
"Y-yeah, I do Cas. I have for a little while."
"Since when was "a little while"?" Cas smirked.
"Maybe since I met you. Around then definitely. What about you?"
Cas blushed a deep red and looked down at his untied shoelaces. "I used to watch over you and Sam before you went to hell. I liked you since you went to that bar in Chicago for your birthday and you taught a younger person how to hustle someone at pool while you were drunk on whiskey, bourbon, and any other poison Sam could get you to drink."
Dean smiled, remembering how on his 28th birthday, after a job the had been working, Sam took Dean to a bar and the deal was that if he tried every drink in the place and didn't get drunk and throw up, he would buy him a full night at a strip club of his choice. He made it 3/4 down the menu before puking in the pool table. Sam paid the bartender and they booked faster than you could say 'martini.'
"Cas, there's something you should know. I'm not the man I was back then. I'm probably never going to be again. Back then I was the righteous man who would stand up for anyone. Now a days, I have a bonified degree in torture, and have been killed more than I can count. Hell, I've been a demon, Cas. I've been possess, copied, mind controlled, I've even hurt you." Dean was standing now, staring at Cas with the same amount of hurt Cas had. "So if you're here for something, it's probably long gone."
"I'm here for Dean Winchester." He said. "I'm here for the man who would drop anything to help the people he cares about. The man who is still trying to fix this world." He said. Dean's eyes brimmed with tears and he tried to look away, but Cas held his face in his hands and turned it back towards him.
     "Dean Winchester is the man who helps us all. The man who fights for everyones' lives before his own. The man who, in my eyes, is the perfect righteous man," Cas kissed the top of Dean's head. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

So, you love me? - Destiel x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن