Part 5

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"How do you feel about Gabriel?"
"He's annoying and appears at bad times. He has no concept of reality and he's addicted to sugar."
"You're lying. You like him. Like like." Sam opened his mouth. "Don't object. You know you do. Don't forget I can tell those sorts of things."
"I'm not gay."
"No. You're not. You're bi."
______ rolled her eyes. "BI you idiot. Like bisexual. It means you like both genders."
"Oh. Could you.... not tell Dean?"
Dean poked his head around the corner of the wall. "Really Sammy? Keeping this from me?"
"Yeah. I mean, he's bi too."
She she inhaled and clasped her hands together. "Neither of you are entirely gay. You are bisexual. Get over it. It means you like boys and girls. Or girls and non-binary people. Either way it means you like two genders, which is why you both have slept with girls but are crushing on angels."
"Oh. Right. Bye."
______ left and Dean and Sam turned to each other.
"Sooo, yours?"
"...Really, Sam? HIM? I thought it would have been lucifer."
"Oh yeah? And who do you like?"
He blushed hard and played with his ring.
Sam slammed hands on the table and stood up. Dean looked at him shocked. "I KNEW IT!!! Charlie and Bobby owe me 20$ each!!!"
Dean looked away. "Shut up."
A few minutes later, Sam showed Dean an article on his laptop. "Animal attacks in Boring, Oregon. You think-?"
"Werewolf? I'll meet you at the car in 10."
A tiny bit later, Dean yelled to ______ they were going on a hunt and left her with Cas's cell number. She smiled to herself, a few questions in mind for the helpless angel.

So, you love me? - Destiel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now