Part 9

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It was Thursday morning, and the bunker was dead quiet. Dean had gone out to town for a spare part for his car, and Sam was still asleep. ______, however, was laying wide awake in her bed. She had barely moved since she fell asleep maybe three hours ago. On her now dead laptop had been a website for local schools, and another for local orphanages.
______ knows this story. She knows how this ends. She knows what happens. She knows that for maybe a month she can stay. Maybe for a month she will be able to be happy here. Maybe some one will care about her for that long.
However, she was used to it. She was used to being kicked out she was used to being alone. It wasn't like anyone actually gave a shit anymore.
There was a problem with this situation, however. The people who were nice enough to take her in weren't usually hunters. They didn't usually understand. But these two did. These two knew.
It was really, really strange.
A flutter of wings awoke ______ from thoughts and she bolted upright in bed. Next to her stood Castiel and Gabriel, for some odd reason.
"H-hey boys." She said, running a hand through her messy hair. "What's up?"
"Not much sunshine. I'm gonna find samwhich." Gabe said, walking out of the room. ______ scooted to make room so Cas could sit on the bed next to her.
"______," he said, taking a seat. He looked into her eyes and placed a hand on top of hers. "Dean and Sam are worried about you."
"Why? I'm perfectly fine."
"The scars on your arms." He said, gently reaching for her. She immediately withdrew them from his touch and crossed them over her chest.
"It's nothing, okay? So just drop it." She got off the bed and headed out of the room, but turned back to add onto her previous statement. "I'm making food. You're welcome to join me."
     Cas sighed and followed her out.

So, you love me? - Destiel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now