Part 13

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______ hates the quiet. She hates how it sounds like the dead. How it sounds like the echoes of bad news. She hates it with every fiber in her being. Sam used to hate it. He used to only because when there wasn't at least some white noise there, it was the silence of his father's anger. The silence of their fights. The silence of the hateful arguments. The silence that was slowly tearing them all apart.
Dean, he actually kinda liked it. He liked the peaceful silence that came between the fights. The silence that came between every song on the radio. Every hearty laugh. Every time he was out on the road, the wind blowing through the windows and rustling his hair. Every time he pulled over at the gas station and he could smell the gasoline in the tubes. He especially loved it now.
The bunker was maybe about half a mile away from the busiest part of Lebanon. That half of a mile gave a beautiful view of rolling plains. Golden grains and emerald weeds covered the lands and ran up the mountains and hills surrounding them.
     Another thing about the bunker, is the countless amount of hidden rooms the boys have never found. Hidden secrets. Hidden hallways. Including hidden look out points.
     Dean found one of these hidden lookout points around the back. He sat with a box of beer and an old accoustic guitar he found in storage. He had bought a tuner and some extra strings when he went into town earlier, and he couldn't wait to play again.
"You should play stand by me." A voice said. Dean whipped his head around to see Cas standing in the door way to the ladder that led up to Dean. Cas climbed up and took a seat next to him. "You know that song, don't you?."
"Yeah. I can't remember the chords though." He plucked at the top four strings, subconsciously tapping out the rhythm to la bamba. He stopped suddenly and his eyes lit up as he looked back at Cas. "I got it." He hissed and readjusted his fingers on the strings, the pick in his other hand ready to strum.
The song was slow and sweet, a melody Cas had heard several times before, but it sounded even better coming from Dean. When he heard Dean began to sing, he froze for a moment.
     "Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can't help falling, in love with you. Shall I stay, Would it be a sin? If I can't help, falling in love with you? Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be."
Cas took a deep breath and joined in with him, the melody mixing both of their voices beautifully.
"Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you."
Dena smiled at him and lowered the volume of his voice, inviting Cas to sing louder.
"Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Somethings, are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you. For I can't help falling in love with you."
Dean made the final strum on the chord of C, letting the ring of it fill up the silence between them. With the fading chord ringing as white noise, the birds and rustling leaves filled in for their words.
The words Cas wanted to say were his feelings. Were to confess his love for him. But he knew he didn't have the balls for it, and he knew Dean would never feel the same.
     Dean did share the same emotions, however, but he thought Castiel wouldn't understand. He was an angel who probably didn't have the time for someone like him.
     And anyways, no chick flick moments.
     Dean set his guitar down next to him and later on his back, staring up at the sky. Cas copied his position and laid his hands next to him, nearly touching Dean's. The clouds above them took shapes of unidentifiable objects, and stood out as an almost bleach white against the setting sky, which was taking on hues of orange, pink, and yellow.
     Cas felt a hand brush against his, and he looked over to see Dean's head turned slightly away, a light blush tinting his face. He let out a small chuckle and loosely put his hand in Dean's, his body tensing for a moment before looking back at Cas.
"Cas, there's something I have to tell you." Dean said, his heart beginning to race. Cas's eyes widened a bit as Dean's grip tightened.
"Dean, I-"
"No Cas, I have to do it now."
Cas took a shaky breath. "Okay, what?"

So, you love me? - Destiel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now