Chapter ten

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I was mentally freaking out! I tried to get back in the car, but it was locked. I couldn't drive either so I couldn't get back home. I took a deep breath and looked around before following Leo.

Everything around me was going dim and I could feel myself starting to have a panic attack. The smell of alcohol reminded me of my dad too much. Tears pricked my eyes as the feeling of sadness washed over me. It wasn't only sadness, but fear. But I couldn't let one little thing get to me. I wiped under my eyes and walked until I got to Leo's side, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone else. I followed Leo through the house, waiting while he chatted with some strange looking people who obviously had too much to drink already. After following him around for awhile, I thought I was pretty safe. Until Leo turned around and looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"Seriously Lacey? Go have fun. Stop following me around like a lost puppy. You're hot and you could pick up any guy you wanted here," He smirked at me.

"You idiot! Seriously? You're the one who brought me here when I told you I didn't want to come! I don't want to find any guy!" I stomped my foot angrily, drawing some attention to us.

"Babe calm..."

"Don't babe me!" all of the sudden someone came up behind me.

"Woah, is there a problem here?" A guy who looked extremely familiar stepped between us. As soon as he looked at me I remembered. He was the guy from the police station who gave me a ride home! I knew his name started with a G... Oh right!

"Oh my gosh Grady right? Can you give me a ride? I somehow managed to get myself into a situation so I want to go home," I didn't want to seem desperate, but taking one last look at Leo gave me more of an urge to get home.

"Sure thing. Get lost buddy." He glanced at Leo one last time and put his arm around me gently, bringing me back outside while setting his red cup down.

"I thought you were a police officer. Aren't you supposed to break these parties up not join them?" I asked.

He laughed and walked towards the dodge challenger that I found familiar from last time he took me home, "I am an officer in training so I am not technically able to really do that yet and the guy who is throwing it is a friend of mine."

"Oh, so you're just like Leo and all the other guys here?" I clenched my hands into fists.

"Not even close. We are hardly friends and I am not the partying type, this is rare actually." he started the engine and backed out, almost hitting a drunk person who was running through the road, "I take it you aren't either".

"Yeah... if I wasn't able to get a ride I would have walked home. I just didn't want to walk in the dark," I admitted, looking down at my hands crossed in my lap.

"Well, don't worry. I hardly had a drink and you are safe with me." He said reassuringly, "Also, I'd take out any guy that would hurt you," I barely knew this guy and he was already one of the nicest people I've met. But I knew for a fact, he wouldn't be able to take out my dad if he tried.

"Thanks, that means a lot. I was thinking that I was going to be stuck with that jerk Leo all night."

"Why did you come with him anyways?"

"Oh, it's a long story. Mrs. Smith, my aunt, set it up for us, I didn't even have a choice. She is so awful." I almost choked when I said "aunt." Even though she wasn't, I'd have to stay with the cover story.

"How so?" he asked, "she seems nice to me. How is she awful?"

I had to think for a minute. Police or not, I couldn't tell anyone the truth. Not even Grady, who seemed like he could be trusted.

"We just... don't get along that well. Nothing that important."

He seemed to sense that there was something else with the story.

"You can trust me you know. I am smarter than you think, I know you're hiding something."

I listened to the hum of the car, it filled up our silence as I tried to think of what to say next.

"It's just been a long day. If you don't mind I just want to listen to music and stop talking for awhile."

"Fine by me." and with that the conversation was over. A heavy sense of gratitude consumed me, it seemed like he understood and he didn't feel the need to investigate more for anything he could get out of me. The hum of the car lulled like music and even though I had had nothing to drink, I could feel my eyelids getting heavy as I drifted off to sleep.

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