The Beginning (1)

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"Ring, Ring." I rubbed my eyes and tried to look for my phone. "Hello." "Esther are you seriously sleeping? You promised Bella and I that you would go to the mall with us to pick out a dress." "Alright, Lexi." " Do not alright me chica! Bella and I will be there in twenty minutes, so you better hurry."

I always tell myself to never promise anybody anything, but I never listen to myself. Well, I had better get ready before I get in trouble.

There was a Valentine's dance coming up, so the girls decided to get a new dress at the mall. I didn't really want to go shopping; it's the worst thing in the world along with other things, but I was invited, and maybe I will find a nice dress. Just think; there is just the rest of February and in three more months we all would be hanging out at the beach in summer.

I will have two more years of high school, and then we will all be going to college. We all three decided on University of Buster Town where I can go to Veterinary Sciences. I can not wait for this big step in my life.

Well back to getting dressed before I get in trouble. I usually don't like wearing dresses, but today I felt like dressing up, so I went ahead and put one on. The dress was blue with gold flowers on it. I gazed into the mirror that was on my door to make sure the dress looked right. I decided to keep the dress on because it brought out my eyes and the gold flowers complemented my hair, plus it was a really beautiful dress. I put on some grey leggings and some boots; they did not go with the dress, but at least I was wearing a dress. I walked downstairs to eat breakfast before going to the mall. Just my luck, I tripped on the second step to the last. Hopefully my parents didn't hear that.

"Honk, honk." Well I guess I don't get breakfast. "Mom, dad!" They answered simultaneously, "Yes." Wow they sound like they have the same mind (freaky)! "I am going to the mall with Lexi and Bella; bye, love you guys." While out the door, I grabbed my gold satchel to match the roses on my dress. Getting in the car, Lexi and Bella screamed out, "Mall, here we come!"

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