First client (11)

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Esther POV: Friday @ 10:30 a.m.

I walk into the bathroom to clean my face. Looking into the mirror, I noticed the swelling on my lip finally going down. Then I noticed the bruises on my body. Once Darrien left that day, Damien came in and beat me, but at least this time he avoided my face. I think Darrien told him to only beat my body. I am glad I wasn't all there for most of it. I didn't like the pain. What was worse was that Damien enjoyed it. Did these two grow up with out a mother? When I woke up the following day, I had a tattoo on my arm. No one is wanting to tell me what it means, and I don't even know how to describe it.

Once I was done cleaning my face, Vanessa walked in. She was taken from the brothers two years ago. I pray that I am not here for that long. "You have to get ready Esther. You have your first client today." "Client?" "Please Esther, don't ask questions. Just go get a dress on." I was wondering what she meant by client when it hit me. O, please no, not me. I don't want to be with someone without marriage especially if I am going to be forced. Why can't they just kill me?

I walked over to the closest and grabbed a dress without even looking at it. Once I put it on I looked to see what I chose. It was red with glitter on it and the back was open. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The dress went down too much. O, this dress is too showy. I walked back over to the closest and took all of the dresses out. They all have no-back and are all too showy. I don't want to wear any of these dresses.

"Esther, come sit down; I have to put makeup on to cover the bruises." O great, now I have to wear makeup. "Vanessa, what does this tattoo mean?" "Sweetie the tattoo is in there native language and it means that they own you." "So, they branded me?" "Yes, exactly. Okay, you're ready." I don't want to be ready. I don't want any of this. I want to be in my own bed wearing pajamas and watching Netflix. Well that would be after school. Still school is a lot better than being told that you are property, and some brothers own you because they don't know how to own actual objects.

Darrien walked in and along came his brother. "Thank you for getting her ready, Vanessa. Come on Esther, it's time to go to your first client." I got up off the bed, walked a little towards the door before tripping on the dress. Darrien caught me before hitting the ground. O, how lovely my knight in shining armor. I would have rather hit the ground.

"Esther, you forgot to put on high heels. The dress won't be so long once you do that." Doesn't mean I won't trip. I walked over to the closest and grabbed a pair of silver high heels. Once I got to the bed, I slipped them on. Getting back up I walked over to the door, but I still slipped. Haha told you high heels wouldn't work. Damien caught me this time. I would rather fall to the ground. At least that would have given me a chance to get knocked out.

"Damien, it seems like our damsel in distress needs some shorter dresses and some flats." "Alright, I will go get them." Damien walked out of the room and headed towards the front door. Gosh, now I am a damsel in distress. "Esther, come on or you're going to be late." I want to be late though. I don't want it at all. Even though I didn't want it, I was afraid, so I followed Darrien to a white van and stepped in perfectly. I sat down on the floor because there were no seats.

There are no windows in this van, and I have no clue where we are. The van parked, and Darrien opened the door. I stepped out to notice that we were at a little house. Darrien took my arm and pulled me towards the front door. Before he knocked, a girl my age opened the door and we stepped in.

The room was filled with people. All the girls were dancing around the guys. It was too much to handle, but I have to be strong. Darrien pulled me towards some men. "Here is Esther as promised. I will have her back in three hours." I have to stay here for three hours? Darrien walked out the front door and I just stood there like a statue.

One of the men walked up to me. He had brown hair, and hazel eyes. His smirk was as evil as the brothers. I want to run away from here, but my feet won't allow me. "Esther, I am Hex and you will be with me for the next three hours." Before I could reply, he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a room. He opened the door, and I took in my surroundings. There was a huge bed in the middle and the walls were white. The bed was the only thing in the room. Hex shut the door and I turned towards him. I want out of here. I want to go home. Before I could do anything he grabbed me, and shoved me towards the bed.

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