How they own Esther (9)

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Esther POV: Monday @ 1:15 p.m.

Opening my eyes I take in my surroundings. I was hoping it was a nightmare where I would run to my parents and they would comfort me. I couldn't control it; I broke down and started crying.

The door opened and in came the second guy from the mall. Just by his smile you could tell he is worse than the other one. "Good afternoon baby. Nice to see you're awake." Why do these people have to call me baby. It's sickening. "How's your lip, baby?" He went to touch my lip, but I slapped his hand. "O, look who is being a naughty kitty." Why can't these people just leave me alone?

"I want to go home." The words came out of my mouth before I even could think about what I was saying. "No, no little kitty I own you now." Really own me. I am not property. "How do own me? You didn't pay for me." "O, but I did. I sent the money to your parents just the other day." This dude is funny. "My parents will never take your money." "O honey, they will take the money. I sent a note saying if they don't take the money, I will be sending your body parts back." Once those words come out of his mouth my body shook and I couldn't stop the tears. "Stop your crying, or I will bring Damien in to deal with you." I don't know how I did it but the tears stopped. "If you aren't going to give me freedom, you might as well just kill me." Wow where did that come from? "Fine if you won't listen I might as well go get Damien to come in and make you obey." He walked out of the room and slammed the door. I was afraid, but a verse came to mind. "I will not fear; what can man to do me?" Hebrews 13:6 I learned this verse at camp. I will trust God.

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